Chapter 6

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7.00 pm

Felix knocked on Chan's office door. "Come in" He opened the door and greet Chan with his smile. "Babe dinner is ready" Chan smiled back and walked to Felix. "Okay then let's eat dinner" Chan wrapped his hand on Felix waist and walk side to side with him.

They walked to the kitchen and saw everyone are there. "Hey guys!" Felix greet happily. "Hey Felix!" Everyone smiled. Chan and Felix sit beside each other. "So I have something to tell you guys" said Chan.

"Soobin let us bring more people that's mean the 8 of us are going" "Where are we going babe?" asked Felix. Chan hold Felix's hand caressed it. "You know our ally TXT right? We're helping them and we're not gonna leave you guys here. We don't know what will happen"

"Well I'm okay with it but are you guys okay with it?" Felix asked Jeongin, Jisung and Seungmin. "I don't see any problem there right hyungs?" Jeongin asked the other two. Jisung and Seungmin nodded. "B-but when will we go there?" Jisung asked Changbin.

"Chan hyung said it's tomorrow. Why?" "Seungmin and I have classes tomorrow" "Relax Sung Jeongin and I have classes tomorrow too. We'll go together" Felix assured him. "Channie can we leave at 3.30 pm tomorrow?" "Sure baby" Felix gave Chan a kissed on his cheek and they started to dig in.

"Hyungs let's go watch a movie tonight!" Jeongin pleaded. "Aww~ baby you're too cute for me~" Hyunjin said, cupping Jeongin face. "Sure" All of them said except Chan. "I'm busy you guys can go and watch the movie" Chan said and about to walked away.

Felix grabbed his wrist. "Channie~ it's been a long time since we watched a movie! Please let's go with them~" Felix whined and pouted. "It's not like I don't want to baby but I need to finish the paper work" "Please just this one please!" Felix begged.

Chan was about to say something but stopped when he heard what Felix just said. "Please daddy~" Chan's eyes widen. It's been a long time since Felix called him that. "Alright you got me there kitten. Tell them to get change and we'll go" Chan whispered to Felix.

Felix shivered and looked at Chan before kissing him. The slow and steady kiss became a heated make out. "Now you better tell them to change or daddy will punish you" Chan said after he pulled away. Felix immediately ran to the living room.

"Channie will go with us and he said you guys need to change first" Felix said smiling. Everyone nodded and walked to their room and get change.

Their outfits

Their outfits

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