Chapter 17

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8.50 am

"Goodbye guys! Bye Innie!" Hyunjin bid goodbye to them after he sent them to college. He feels extra happy today.

He went back home after he bought some extra first aid kits and medicines that Minho told him to buy. "Hyung I bought it!" He yelled.

No one answer. "Minho hyung?" Silence... "HYUNG?! CHANGBIN HYUNG?! CHAN HYUNG?!" he yelled again.

"WHY ARE YOU YELLING?! NOW I ALREADY WOKE UP THANKS TO YOU!" Changbin yelled with a mad face.

"I-I thought no one is home... Usually you guys are at home..." "Tch. Chan hyung went out to see someone. Minho hyung is at our garage"

"Thanks hyung. I'm sorry again" "Yeah whatever. Now don't disturb me unless Chan hyung wanna see  me" Changbin get inside his room to continue his beauty sleeo.

Hyunjin is walking to the garage to meet Minho. When he get there, he saw Minho talking with someone on his phone.

"Who are you talking to hyung?" "One of our man" "For what?" "I wanna ask him for help but I just remembered that Felix can help me"

"Anyways this is what you asked me to buy" "Thank you" "Umm... Why do you need Felix's help for?" "I wanna find Seungmin's parents"

"Why?" "I can't tell you that. Ask Seungmin yourself" "Actually I have a question for you" Minho looks at him
and signaled him to continue.

"You like Seungmin don't you?" Minho suddenly cough without any reason. "Wow I didn't know that we can be choke by air" Hyunjin said and laughed at his own joke.

Minho glared at him. "It's not funny at all. You're bad at mak-" "Don't change the subject hyung" Hyunjin said. "I mean why don't you open your heart for him?"

"Well you said like it's an easy thing" "I knew that you've been hurt before but
that's why we need to take any risk to find our love"

Hyunjin stopped and for awhile and continues again. "Look at Changbin hyung. He never been in a serious relationship but he take a risk to confess to someone that his friend kidnapped.

And now he's happy. Just like when we met each other years ago" Minho sighed. "I know that we need to take any risk but I'm... Afraid...

I don't want the same thing happen again. It's such an embarrassment that I believed that bitch than you guys" Minho sighed again.

"Maybe the mistake is you're straight that time" Hyunjin joked again. "I like that joke" Minho laughed. "Well I'm sure that Seungmin isn't like her"

"All we can do now is predict. I said the exact thing to Jin Ha but what did she did to us? I trusted her with all my heart but she betrayed us just like that.

Her older brother is the one that caused this. I'm so desperate to get a girlfriend so I became naive. I'm usually not like that but I don't know what I saw on her"

"Hyung what past is already past. We don't have to remember about the both of them. Let's move on to the next subject" Minho looks at him with a questioning look.

"You have another subject?" He raised one of his eye brow. Hyunjin nodded before he pointed out his subject. "When will you confess to Seungmin?"

"W-what's make you thing I l-like him?" "Come on hyung! We just talk about this. I can help you to confess~" Hyunjin wiggled his eye brows.

"S-shut the fuck u-up!" "Hyung you should stop stuttering or you'll make it more obvious" Hyunjin laughed. "I'll cook you in air fryer for 20 minutes, at 180 degree"

"Okay I'm sorry Minho hyung" Hyunjin bowed. "I'll confess soon so you there's no need to worry. And I have my ways" Minho walked away.

"Ohh~ when~" "It's not your business!" Hyunjin keep pestering Minho until lunch time. "Minho told him to stop. It's starting to get on my nerves" Chan complained.

"You thinks it doesn't bother me? I regret talking with you about that topic" Minho looked at Hyunjin before he continues to eat.

2.45 pm

"I wanna tag along" Minho told Hyunjin. "Tag along? With me? But I'm gonna go pick the others up" "Yeah that's why I wanna tag along"

Hyunjin processed it for minutes and finally getting it. "So you wanna confess you feelings~" Hyunjin teased. "You better stop or I'm not gonna do it" Minho threatened him. "Okay I'll stop!"

3.00 pm

When they arrived, the entrance his crowded with people. "What's happening? Usually it's not this crowded" Minho said.

"I don't either" Then they saw Felix and Jisung walking together towards their car. "Where's Seungmin and Jeongin?" Minho asked after they get into the car.

"Seungmin and Jeongin is in the same class so they're walking together" Jisung said. They waited for several minutes. Suddenly they saw Jeongin ran towards them.

"Minho hyung! Seungmin is missing!" Their eyes widen. "What?!" Minho yelled. "I was walking towards here with him but when we saw the crowd, I lost him"

"Come let's find him. What if the same thing with Jisung happen again?" Felix said. They get out of the car and search for the little.

They search for him inside, outside and even all the corner of the college. Until Jisung reach to Seungmin's locker and saw a sticky note.

"Minho hyung!" They saw Jisung ran to them with something in his hand. "I found this on Seungmin's locker"

'Thank you for this cutie Minho. We'll use him like a fragile treasure'

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