Chapter 2

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8.30 pm


I hope Changbin hyung didn't do anything to him. By the way, my name is Felix. What's yours?" "U-uhh S-Seungmin" "Come sit here with me" Felix point the couch in front of him. "Felix hyung-" Jeongin stop when he saw the unknown person.

"Oh Jeongin come here! Seungmin this is Jeongin, Hyunjin's boyfriend. Jeongin this Seungmin" Felix introduced them.
"Annyeonghaseyo. Why-" Jeongin bowed before he asked. "Before you asked, he is in the same situation as you. This time it's two people" "Two?! I should scold him later" Jeongin said and walked to his and Hyunjin's room.

"Seungmin if you need anything you can ask me" Seungmin think for awhile before asking. "Where should I sleep?" "Uhh... I don't know. I'll ask Chan hyung. Wait here" Felix walked to Chan's office. Felix slowly opened the door and looked inside. He saw Chan and Minho talking. "Baby?" Felix called Chan. "Hey babe. What do you need?" asked Chan sweetly.

"Where should Seungmin sleep?" "Seungmin? Who's that?" "It's one of the person Hyunjin accidentally kidnapped" "Which one?" Chan looked at Felix confused. "The one that looks like a puppy" "That's not Changbin's toy?" "No" "I'll think about it" "Thank you Channie" Felix kissed Chan's cheek and walked out of the office happily.

"That kid will sleep in your room, Minho" "Yeah- wait what?! Why?!" "I can't give that kid a personal room. I didn't even open up to them" "But Changbin-" "Changbin already take the other one"
Minho sigh. "Relax Lee. You can use him as your slave. Just said 'If you don't obey me, I'll kill you'.

"I do this only because you told me to" Minho get up and walked to the living room. He saw Felix talking to Seungmin. "Hey you. Seungmin right? Come with me" Seungmin didn't get up. He feels like he is gonna slip because he's scared of Minho. "Get up!" Yelled Minho.

Seungmin feels his eyes water. "Hyung! You don't need to yell at him!" said Felix. "I do this because Chan told me to. I don't have time to deal with a stubborn kid" Minho said sternly. "Wixxie..." Felix looks the the younger boy. "Are you okay Seungmin?" "M-Minnie scawed" Felix walk to Seungmin and ask him "Seungmin, are you a little?" Seungmin slowly nod.

Felix hugged him and draw a little circle on his back. "It's going to be okay..." Felix assured him. He pulled away and looka at Minho. "Hyung he is a little. Please be gentle on him" "I don't even know what a little is. What are you expecting from me?" question Minho. "I don't know what to do either but I'll help you. When he is a little don't yell or be rough with him. Little are sensitive.

"Fine" Minho told Felix because he doesn't want to hear him babble again. "Come here Minnie. Hyung will show you where you'll sleep" Minho try to be as gentle as he can. Minho don't even know why he worried about this kid when he is a mafia himself. Seungmin get up and follow Minho from behind.

Minho open his bedroom door and let the little in. The little stand at the middle of the room. Minho sit in front of his computer. "C-can Minnie sit o-on the b-bwed?" "Sure. Sit anywhere you like" Minho search a lot about littles.

He doesn't know he need to deal with a little. "Uhh Minnie how old are you now?" Seungmin shows him three fingers. "Okay Minnie. Hyung will make the rules and you need to follow it. Is that okay with you?" The younger just hummed. "If you be a bad boy when you're a little, hyung will punish you. Understood?" "Y-yes hyung"

"Okay Minnie let's make the rules shall we?" The younger move closer Minho so he can see what Minho write.

What Minnie needs to do
or not to do.

1. Minnie needs to sleep early. After 9 pm Minnie is already sleeping

2. Minnie can't say no to hyung unless there's other person that didn't agree with hyung.

3. Minnie can watch TV but when hyung tell you to stop you need to stop.

4. Minnie didn't get his plushies if he doesn't behave.

5. If Minnie needs anything, ask hyung before anyone else.

6. If Minnie didn't behave, hyung will punish you depends on what did you do.

7. Tell hyung if you slip or if you're out of the little space.

"Do Minnie agree with the rules?" "B-but hyung number 5. W-wixxie told Minnie to asked him" "No. Chan said I'm the one that gonna take care of you. If I'm not there, then you can ask Felix" Seungmin stared at number 4. "Minnie don't hwave any pwushies" "We'll go to the shopping for you little things. Remind me tomorrow okay Minnie?" "Okay hyung"

"Hyung" called Seungmin. "Yes?" "M-Minnie is s-sweepy" He rubbed his eyes. "How about Minnie take a shower first before go to sleep" Seungmin walk to a door that he assume a bathroom and walked inside. "What did I ever do that I need to take care of a little?" Minho questioned himself and sigh.

After some minutes. "Hyung!" Seungmin yelled from the bathroom. "Yes what do you need Minnie?" "Minnie dwon't have any cwothes!" Minho looks inside his closet and take out a hoodie and a short. "Can Minnie come out?" "Nwo!" "How about you open the door and hyung will give you your clothes" Seungmin opened the slightly and stick out his hand. Minho sigh and put the clothes on his hand.

After Seungmin done wearing his clothes, he walked out and sit on Minho's bed. He put the short on Minho's table. "Why don't you wear the short?" "Too big for Minnie" "Okay then" "Where should Minnie sleep hyung?" "On the bed" Minho said without looking at Seungmin. "Then where will hyung sleep?" "On the bed. With Minnie"

"Don't worry I won't touch you. I'm not like that short pervert. If you're uncomfortable, don't look at my face" "Okay hyung" Seungmin lay down facing away from Minho.

2 am

Seungmin wake up and look around.He is cold. The blanket didn't help him at all. He looked at the clock. It's too early to get up. He turned and looks at Minho. He needs some warm but he's scared to wake Minho up. He decided to wake him up slowly. "H-hyung?" Seungmin nudged him gently.

Minho groaned and sit up. "What do you need Seungmin?" Minho feels a little bit angry. "M-Minnie is cwold. The blanket not warm" Minho sigh again. "So what do Minnie wants right now?" "M-Minnie want cwuddles"

Minho lay down spread his hands out. "Come on Minnie. Hyung needs to sleep" Seungmin lay down beside Minho and wrapped his arms around Minho's torso and snuggle his face on Minho's chest. Minho do the same to Seungmin and whisper. "Sleep tight Minnie"

I write half of this chapter and I accidentally falls asleep. I rushed myself to write this and I finally done with this chapter. For you guys information this chapter was edited

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