❗Chapter 20❗

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6.00 am

"Oi wakes up" Seungmin feels someone pulls his hair. He can't believes that he slept on a chair while tied up. "What the fuck do you want?" Seungmin spat.

"Just wanna say that your 'daddy' and his friends will come here this morning~" Seungmin's eyes widen. "D-daddy?"

"Yes he'll come here. But sadly not for you~" Jinha said. Seungmin is starting to cry again. "Y-you're l-lying!" "He texted earlier. He told me if I let go of you, he'll marry me~"

She said while showing the evidence. Minho really did texted her. "I'll give you to Chan but say bye bye to your daddy~" She walks out and laughed.

'D-daddy won't d-do that r-right?' "I-I want d-dwaddy!" He heard multiple sounds of gun shot. The door burst opened and he saw a furious Jinwoo at the door.

"YOUR CAREGIVER IS A PAIN IN THE ASS!" Little Seungmin cries more. "You're in little space huh? This will makes thing easier" Jinwoo chuckled.

He untied Seungmin's legs but keeps the rope on Seungmin's hands. He dragged the younger to the door. "LEE MINHO!" Minho stopped what he's doing and looks at Jinwoo.

When he saw that Jinwoo has his little, he ran to him. Jinwoo shoot him multiple times. "Daddy!" Seungmin cries out.

Jinwoo pushed Seungmin to Minho. "You better look at your little before you die Minho~" "W-why dwaddy do this t-to M-Minnie?" Seungmin sobbed.

"D-daddy is sorry baby. I-I c-can't wait to m-meet you again..." He caressed Seungmin's cheek with his hand. "I love you Minnie..." He said while smiling.

"I-I hope we c-can spend more t-time with e-each other. B-but I g-guess we c-can't..." His hand falling. "No no no dwaddy don't leave M-Minnie!"

"M-Minnie wuv you too!" Seungmin cries and hugs Minho's body. "Well one is down and we have three more" Jinwoo

"I should kill you too. Let you rest in peace with your 'daddy' " Jinwoo was about to pull the trigger but suddenly someone shot him.

"You think you can kill my friend just like that? I'm not dumb just like before" Chan, the one who shot Jinwoo said. "And your acting skill has improve a lot Minho. Good job"

"W-what acting skill?" Jinwoo said and clutched his stomach. Minho sit up and makes Seungmin shocked. "Dwaddy not dead?" "No baby I'm right here"

Minho cupped Seungmin's cheeks and pecked his lips. "Now isn't the right time baby. Go follow Kai and Taehyun okay? They'll bring you home"

Seungmin wanna protest but Minho shook his head. Kai and Taehyun dragged him outside. "We'll bring you to the mansion okay Seungmin?" The little just nodded.


"H-how? I shot you more than once!" "Have you heard about bulletproof vest? You should check them out" Minho snickered.

"And did you see blood on Minho? No right? You're getting dumber Jinwoo" Changbin said. "Don't you ever think about calling your men. They're all dead"
Hyunjin said.

"HOW?! I HAVE A PERFECT PLAN BUT YOU GUYS RUINED IT AGAIN!" Jinwoo lost his tempers. "Can I have a gun Changbin?" Minho asked.

"No don't worry. I'm not the one that gonna kill you. I just wanna end your beloved sister's life" Minho laughed and walks away.

"And now where the fuck is that bitch?" Minho gritted his teeth. He slammed all the door that he found. He slammed door that happen to be Jinwoo's room.

He looks around the room cause he knows that she'll be here. He heard someone whimpering in the closet. He tip toed there and open the closet door.

"Found you!" Minho smiles when he saw Jinha crying in the closet. "W-why are you d-doing this Lee K-know? Y-you told me y-you'll marry m-me" 

"Marry? Tell me. Who wants to marry a bitch like you? You made my cute little puppy suffered so I'm being a gentleman I am, I wanna return your favour" Minho laughed.

He gripped her hair harshly and yanked her out. He steps on her hand. "How does it feel hm? If doesn't feels good as you did it to my Minnie right?"

Jinha yells and it becomes louder when Minho replaced his foot with a dagger that he found on her dressing table. "You're as dumb as your brother"

"This isn't enough. Whoever hurts my Minnie, should DIE!" Minho shoots her head. He smiles with satisfaction when he saw her blood splattering on the floor.

When he walks back to the others, he saw Jinwoo in the same state as his sister. "What happened?" He smirked.

He asked because he saw Chan's mad face. "He said he'll kill Felix just like how Yeonwoo killed himself" Changbin said.

"Let's just go back home. I don't wanna see his face anymore" Chan gritted his teeth. "I wanna kiss my baby boy~" Changbin whined.

"Then drives faster! I wanna hug my Minnie! He must be shocked when he saw what just happened~" Minho whined.

"Minho and Changbin are behaving just like you" Chan laughed. "That's what I call whip culture. We love our cute boyfriends~" Hyunjin said like a proud mother.

10.00 am

"Innie I'm home!~" Hyunjin open his arms. Jeongin ran to him and knocked him down. "Are you okay Jinnie? Do you have any wounds?" "No baby I'm fine"

"Daddy!" Seungmin ran to Minho, crying. Again. Minho picked him up and walks to the couch. He sit down and out Seungmin on his lap.

"Are you okay now baby? Did Yeonjun treat you?" Seungmin nodded and snuggled his face on Minho chest. "Dwaddy no dead anymore. Minnie scawed" "I won't baby"

"Chris! Are you okay? What did Jinwoo wanted? Is h-" "He's dead Lix. He just wanted to take revenge on us" Chan hugs Felix and kiss his neck.

Changbin went to his room to look for Jisung. He saw his boyfriend is crying on the bed. "Sungie why are you crying?" He went to Jisung and hugs him.

Jisung hit Changbin softly. "W-why would you l-leave when I'm still s-sleeping? Y-you made me w-worried! B-Binnie is mean!" Jisung whined.

"Binnie's sorry baby boy. I need to save Seungmin remember? I told Felix to inform you that I'm going at that time" "But don't leave like that again"

My feet still hurts :(. Anyway I'll write four bonus chapter and the epilogue.

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