Hyunin Chapter 🔞

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9.00 am

Jeongin wakes up and rubs his eyes, still sleepy. He looks beside him and didn't see Hyunjin. He pouted and lays back down. "Where's Jinnie?~" He whined

He feels really clingy today. He gets up and shower. When he's done, he walks out and saw his boyfriend sit on the bed. He sit beside Hyunjin and hugs him.

"Where were you Jinnie?~" He whined again. Hyunjin chuckles and hugs him back. "I talked to Chan just now Innie" Jeongin looks at him.

"Why?" "I asked him if we have any mission today and he said no so we can go on a date!" Jeongin's eyes sparkles with joy. "Really?! Yay!"

"Before you jump on the bed you better wear your clothes now. Or... you want me to dress you up?~" Hyunjin smirks. "Pervert!" Jeongin yelled before he took his clothes and ran to the bathroom.

9.30 am

The two of them walks downstairs to eat breakfast before they go on their date. "Good morning guys!" Jeongin greeted them, smiling.

"You look happy Innie! Is there anything good that's gonna happen?" Felix asked him. "I'm going out with Hyunjin after this!" Jeongin giggles.

"When will we go on a date?~" Seungmin whined at his boyfriend. "Soon okay baby" He pats Seungmin's head. Seungmin smiles and pecked his boyfriend's cheek.

"Pinky promise?" "Yes baby. Pinky promise" Minho said. "So Chan hyung the Hyunin couple will go on a date so we're free this week?" Changbin asked.

Chan just nodded and continues to eat his food. "Okay Sungie we'll go on a date this week" He kissed Jisung's nose. Jisung giggles and nodded happily.

"Okay baby eat up. We don't wanna waste any second for our date are we?" Hyunjin said. They sit down beside each other and starting to eat.

9.45 am

"We're going now!" Hyunjin yelled to the others and starting to drives. "So where are we going Jinnie?" Jeongin asked. "We're going to an amusement park!"

"Amusement park?! It's been awhile since we went there!" Jeongin said excitedly. "I know! That's why I chose to go there with you today!"

Jeongin pecked his lips. "Thank you baby. I love you!" "I love you too!" They keep saying that until Hyunjin asked a question.

"Why did you act like you didn't like when I'm acting lovey dovey to you?" Jeongin looks at his fingers before he answer. "I don't like PDA"

"Why not?" "I don't know... I like when we're alone together and share hugs and kisses only with ourselves and no one will say 'Ew PDA' " Jeongin nagged.

"Baby... That's what couples do. We give hugs and kisses in front of people so they know who you belong to. And who cares what they say? They're just single people"

Jeongin laughed when he heard Hyunjin said like that. "Okay then. Let's hold hand when we arrive at the amusement park" "Yes!" Hyunjin cheers.

10.00 am

"We arrive pretty early huh babe?" "Well it's 10 am now and they opened one hour ago" Jeongin said. "But there's a lot of people tho"

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