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2 years later...
9.30 am

"So what are you guys gonna do first today?" Minho asked. "Channie let's go the boutique I told you about!" Felix said. "We have one more month baby. Relax~"

"But I'm excited for our wedding~" "I know baby but you need to wait. We still need to think where should the venue and-" Suddenly Chan feels a pair of lips on his own.

Chan proposed to Felix 2 weeks ago. They went on an usual date and ended up at the place that they went on their first date. They were eating their ice cream and suddenly Chan get on one knee.

"Will you marry me Lee Felix?"


"Don't be stress Channie~. That's why we have friends for. You guys will help us right?" "No-" Changbin was cut off by Jisung~."Of course we'll help. Right Binnie?"

Jisung glares at him and he sighed. "Of course" He mumbles. "Yay! What can Minnie do?!" Seungmin asked Felix.
"Minnie can choose the balloons!"

"Balloons?! Minnie want one!" He tugged on Minho's shirt. "We'll get one soon baby~. Be patient please~" "What about me?" Jeongin asked.

"You know what type of flower I like right? Can you choose a nice design of it?" Felix requested. "Sure! Let's go after we eat breakfast Jinnie! "

"What about me Lix? " Jisung pouted. "You can help me to pick my outfit! Let's go together!" Felix said. "I would love too!" Jisung answered back.

Everyone is excited to help Chan and Felix on their wedding. "Okay guys calm down. We still have a lot of time so eat your breakfast or I won't let you guys go anywhere" Minho said.

Felix and Jisung keep talking about the theme colour. They talk about the accessories they want to put on the custom outfit.

Meanwhile Chan and Changbin is staring at them.  They put on a questionable look on their face. 'Is it Jisung that's gonna get married? Why is he so excited?'

"Binnie will come too, right?" Jisung asked. "I don't know... I don't want to interfere their date. It was supposed to be about them" Changbin pointed out.

Felix smiles dropped. "Y-you can show me the photo of the outfit and I'll give my opinion. I won't leave Binnie hyung if he doesn't wanna come" 

Felix pouted and looks at Chan. "I'm sorry Channie~. I think we can go on a double date but I guess it's not a good timing. I'm sorry to Changbin hyung"

"It's okay princess. I know you just wanna share your excitement with your friends" Chan smiles and kissed his forehead.

"Binnie isn't mad right?" "With that cute face of yours? Not anymore~" Changbin peppers the younger's face with kisses.

"Ew PDA" Hyunjin said. Jeongin hits him and glares at him. "Don't say that again Hwang" "Hwang?! Baby I'm sorry~"

March 25 2022

"We gather here to unite this two people in marriage. Do you Bang Christopher Chan, takes Felix as your beloved husband?"

"I do"

"Do you Lee Felix-"

"I DO!!!"

"The two of you may kiss now" They closed their gaped and kiss each other lips. Everybody cheer for them. "We'll get married too babe" 

Hey guys! This is the author! This is the end of the book but there might be a new book???

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