Chapter 14

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8.30 am

Jisung sit up immediately when he heard his alarm. He feels so happy energetic today because of yesterday. He looks at Changbin's face and admiring it.

He wants to take a shower but a pair of arm stopped him. He looked back at the Changbin and saw the shorter male smiles. "No don't leave me~" He whined.

"I just wants to take a shower. It's weekend so we don't have classes" Jisung smiles. "No~" "Binnie you're behaving like Hyunjin" Jisung laughed.

"Binnie? I like that nickname" Changbin sit up and kissed Jisung's cheek. He let go of his boyfriend's waist. "Come back cuddle me later okay?" "We need to eat breakfast after this"

"After breakfast then" He smiles with his eyes closed. "Wake me up when you're done" Changbin lay back down and sleep again.

8.40 am

He walked out of the bathroom and go straight to the closet. He bent over to look for his short. He rummaged in the closet because he can't find any of his clothes. "Isn't Binnie bought a lot of clothes for me yesterday?" He asked himself.

He feels someone's hand groping his ass. He squeak and immediately turn around. Behind him he saw his boyfriend eyeing his legs. He took one shirt and threw it on Changbin's face.

Changbin stumble a bit  and removed it from his face. "What was that for?" he pouted. "Stop eye fucking me!" "Well I can't. Your ass and thighs looks juicy baby"

Jisung face went red. He surely looking like tomato right now. "You're right baby" the shorter grabbed his waist and whispered into his ear. "I should fuck you instead"

The younger hit him. This time it's not lightly. "Ow baby! Stop I'm sorry! Babe it hurts!" Jisung stopped and change the topic. "W-where is my clothes that you bought yesterday?"

"I told our maid to wash it first before you wear it" The squirrel looking boy pouted. "You can wear my hoodie for today" Changbin said and back hugging him. "Yeah whatever"

"Don't act like a brat or I'll leave you naked Han" Jisung sensed that Changbin is angry at him. He turn around and wrapped his arms around the older neck.

"I'm sorry master~" He looks at Changbin with puppy eyes. "You're lucky that I have a soft spot for you" He chuckled and let go of Jisung. "Now go change. I'm gonna shower" "Okay master"

9.00 am

They walk downstairs and saw Chan, Felix and Minho there. "Umm Felix where's the others?" "Well it's Saturday,
Hyunjin and Jeongin usually wake up late"

"Seungmin being extra little today so he's not gonna wakes up anytime soon" Minho informed them. They heard someone crying. Minho ran up to his room leaving the four of them.

Changbin and Jisung sit down beside each other. Binsung and Chanlix having a small talk by themselves. After they ate their breakfast, Chan went his office.

Changbin watches random movies and dramas on Netflix. "So Jisung how about we start our assignment?" "Sure" They bring their laptops and notebooks to start their project.

10.00 am

"MINHO, CHANGBIN, HYUNJIN!" Chan yelled. They gathered in front of Chan's office. "What is it hyung?" "We have an emergency mission right now. Go change and I'll meet you guys at our weapons room"

"Yes sir" They all went to their room and change. Chan walked to the living room. He kissed Felix forehead. "We have an emergency mission so I hope you guys will be okay without us?"

They all nodded. "Be careful Channie!" He yelled to Chan who walked away. The other three comes and and bid their goodbyes.

"Can you guys help with Seungmin if he slip?" "Yes hyung!" Minho smiles and looks at his little. "Be a good boy for your friends okay?" Seungmin nodded and waves his hand to Minho. "Bye!"

"So... What are we gonna do now?" Jeongin broke the silence. "Can we know how you guys met?" Seungmin asked Jeongin. "Who? Hyunjin and I?"

"Yeah! I wanna know too!" Jisung's eyes lit up. "After Innie I want Felix's story!" Seungmin pointed out. Felix blushes a little. "Just start with your story Innie" Felix muttered.

"Umm well... I was in the same situation as you guys... "


When I was 17, I'm on my way to go home. Someone grabbed my hand and turned me around. I saw a good looking guy stared at me.

"You must be Yang Jaehoo" The man smirked. "Huh-" "What a young boy~" Suddenly everything when dark. I woke up in a dark room that's actually our basement.

I heard foot steps from upstairs. I tried to get up but found myself tied to a chair. I saw four men walk towards me. A pale skin man, a grumpy man, a buff looking guy and the last one...

The person that kidnapped me. "Wait Chan hyung. This isn't Yang Jaehoo" The shortest of them all said. 'Chan' looks towards me and his eyes widen.

"Who the fuck is this?!" This isn't Yang Jaehoo?" "No!" "You said he lives in that neighborhood and that address!" Hyunjin argued back.

"And I told you that Yang Jaehoo is a middle aged man" Chan gritted his teeth. "This boy is clearly a teenager!" When the situation is getting tense, a boy came down.

"What's happening? Wait you said Jaehoo is a middle aged man?" "Hyunjin made a mistake. Now I should throw you out of my gang cause I don't need clumsy person. And you"

He point his finger at me. "You're gonna die"

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