Binsung Chapter 🔞

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11.30 am

"Binnie hyung where are you?~" Jisung search for his boyfriend. He walks around the mansion and decided to ask Hyunjin who is cuddling with Jeongin.

"Hyunjin where is Changbin hyung?" "Changbin hyung? I last saw him in the garage. Why?" "Nothing..." Jisung pouted and walks to garage.

"Hyung?" He said while peeking inside the garage. He looked around Changbin isn't there. He sighed and texted the older.

Binnie where are you?

He is waiting for Changbin to reply but he gets nothing. "M-maybe he's just busy..." Jisung go to their shared bedroom and lay down.

'Is he really busy? But if he is, why are the other member are at home? Chan hyung said they're free this week' Jisung shake his head softly.

'You shouldn't be over thinking' Jisung hears a car pulls up and ran downstairs. "Binnie hyu-" "I don't wanna talk right now" He said harshly.

"O-okay" Changbin ignores him and walks upstairs. He opened the door and slammed it. All of them flinched while staring at the door for seconds.

"I will not b-bother him" Jisung said and walks to the backyard. He sit on a bench and starting to cry silently. "Did I do something wrong?" He whispered.


"What's wrong with him?" Felix asked. "Yeah suddenly snapped at his own boyfriend without a good damn reason" Minho frowned.

"I'll go talk to him" Chan knocked on the door and waits for any respond. "I told you to go away Jisung" He heard Changbin said.

Chan gritted his teeth, feels pity for Jisung. "It's Chan" Changbin gets up and opened the door. "What do you want?" He said coldly.

"Mind to tell me what's wrong with you?
Yelled at your Jisung so sudden. If you have any reason it better be a good one" Chan scolded him.

"I'm just stress hyung..." "Okay that's not a good reason. You shouldn't get mad at him because of your problem. Instead you can ask him to calm you down"

Changbin keeps quiet and looks at his feet. "If you wanna apologize to Jisung he's at the backyard. If don't want to share your problem with Jisung I'm here"

Changbin sighed and go to the backyard. He see Jisung is sitting under a tree and talking to a squirrel. "What should I do for Binnie Jiji? Should talk to him now?"

'Did he just named that squirrel?' "Or maybe I-" The younger feels a pair of arm wrapped around his waist. "Hyungie?" Jisung turned around.

"I'm so sorry baby boy" Changbin put his face on Jisung's neck. Jisung plays with his hair and smiles. "It's okay~ I don't mind"

"B-but you're my sensitive baby boy" "I am a sensitive person but I don't hold grudges" Jisung smiles again. "But is everything okay?" The younger asked.

"I'm stressed lately" Changbin pouted at his boyfriend. Jisung pecked his lips. "Where did you go just now?" Now it's Jisung's turn to pout.

"I went out to get some fresh air. I wanted to go to a bar nearby but I don't wanna be troublesome to you guys"
Jisung think for a second.

"Is there anything that I can do to you to help you de-stress?" Changbin looks at
Jisung for a good minute. "I don't know. What do you wanna do to help me?"

Jisung blushes and looks away. "Aww baby why are you blushing~. Is it embarrassing?" "I-I don't think it does..." Jisung said, almost whispering.

"Don't be shy. Whatever you wanna do you'll do great" Changbin peppers his face with kisses. "Changbin!" "What?!" He turned to Hyunjin who's the one that yelled from the back door.

"We'll go eat lunch. Wanna join us?" Changbin looks at Jisung and the younger shook his head. "No we're good. Just give us a takeout"

Hyunjin nodded and leave. "Why don't you wanna go with them?" "I-I have a s-surprise for you..." "Is that so baby? How sweet of you~"

Jisung gets up and dragged Changbin inside. He pushed Jisung to sit on the couch. He straddles Changbin's hip and stares at the older's eyes.

"Can baby boy pleasure master?" Changbin caresses Jisung's cheek. "Why so sudden baby?" "I-I heard that s-sex can help p-people de-stress..."

"You don't have to do this-" "B-but I wanted to~" Jisung whined. "Don't regret your decision baby~" "I-I won't" Changbin smashes his lips on Jisung.

He bit Jisung's bottom lip. Jisung moan and Changbin took the opportunity to put his tongue inside. Jisung whimpered on how fast Changbin with his tongue.

"Stripped for me baby boy~" Changbin commanded after they pulled away. Jisung pulled off his oversize hoodie and his boxer.

"You don't wear your short under your hoodie huh? What a naughty baby~ Now be a good boy and get a bottle of lube in our drawer"

Jisung nodded and waddles to the room. He came back with what they needed. When he arrived he saw Changbin junior (which is big) standing straight.

"Come here baby. Your body looks so irresistible" Changbin licked his upper lip. Changbin layed Jisung down and prep him before doing anything.

"You're a virgin right? So this is gonna hurt a bit" He pushes his first finger in him and looks at his reaction. He kissed Jisung's thigh.

"M-master! S-sensitive!" "I love your sensitive body baby " Changbin added his second finger and scissors the younger hole. "How does it feel? "

"S-stretch enough~" "Nope~. You need at least three fingers baby boy. Unless you want me wreck you?~" Changbin whispered the second sentence.

"B-baby boy don't l-like it rough..." "Then you should take the third finger~" He added in the third finger and Jisung arched his back.

Changbin is fucking Jisung with three fingers for some minutes now. "I think you're ready now" Changbin pulls Jisung to sit on his lap.

"I want you to ride me okay?" Jisung nodded and starting to position himself on the older's dick. Changbin helps him by slowly lowering him.

Jisung stopped when he feels Changbin's dick is full inside him. He adjust himself a little bit and starting to moves slowly.

"Fuck baby you're so t-tight!" "M-master is s-so big!" Jisung suddenly moves up and down so fast. "How can you move like that baby? "

"Master r-right there!" Changbin help moves the younger faster than the younger himself. "Y-yes! Right t-there!"

"M-master I'm t-tired!~" Changbin turned him around so he can lay down. "I-I'm close~" "Me too baby" Changbin groaned.

"I-I'm cumming m-master!" Jisung came follows by Changbin. They catch their breath and kiss each other. 

"Did I went too hard on you?" "W-well I'm sure I won't be able to walk tomorrow" Jisung giggles. "Let me help you get up" Changbin was about to carry Jisung but suddenly the front door slammed opened.

"Seriously Seo Changbin?! ON THE COUCH?!" Chan yelled

This book is almost done...

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