Chanlix Chapter 🔞

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Dedicated to izzshii

10.00 am

"Channie!~" Felix whined. Chan looks at his boyfriend who is standing at the doorway. "What do you need princess?" "I'm bored~" Felix whined again.

"You can go spend time with the others until I finish this" Felix pouted. "But I wanna spend time with you~. Besides the others is busy with their boyfriends"

Chan hummed and continues doing his works. "W-will you take a long time?" Chan sighed. "I don't know baby. This looks a lot"

"B-but you said that you guys are free this week" "Not for me Lix" "O-okay then"
Felix walks out and go to the living room.

He saw Changbin and Jisung are watching a movie meanwhile Minho and Seungmin are playing in the kitchen. He sit down across the Binsung couple.

"Hey guys" Felix said, smiling sadly. "Hi Lixie. Are you okay?" Jisung asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Where are Hyunjin and Jeongin?"

"They're in their room. Hyunjin is taking care of Jeongin" Felix tilts his head at Changbin's statement. "Why? What happened to Jeongin?"

"Well didn't you saw how Jeongin walked last night?" Felix shook his head. "He was limping" Jisung said. "Hyunjin said they did it on a Ferris wheel!" Changbin amused.

"Why are you so excited about that hyung?" Felix asked with a disgusted face. "Well he's a pervert after all" Minho said from the kitchen.

"Anygays did you talked to Chan?" Jisung asked. Felix just nodded while looking down. "What did he said?" "He told me to wait until he's done"

"What a jerk" Changbin said. "Chan hyung's works never finish. It always be more and more" Minho said. Felix looks at his fingers.

"It's okay... I'm used to it" Felix said and walks to his room. Seungmin looks at him and looks at Minho back. "Wixie swad... Dwaddy talk to Hyungie!" Seungmin said.

"You want me to talk to Chan?" Minho caresses Seungmin's cheek. Seungmin nodded. "Yesh! No more swad Wixie!" Seungmin said.

Minho smiles at his Minnie. "I'll try" Minho stand up and walks to Chan's office. He knocked on the door before coming in.

"Are you busy right now hyung?" "Yes. Make it quick Min" Minho sighed and sit down. "You should spend time with Felix" "I don't have time" Chan said bluntly.

"You can just take a day off" "I don't wanna waste my time" Chan said while still typing. "When should you hand in all
the documents?" "Next week"

"You have more than enough to finish it! A day off won't hurt!" Minho looks at his leader in disbelief. "When I'm finish, I'll take a day off"

"Don't you realize it? When you hand in the documents early, you'll get more work! " "So what? I'm able to finish all of it" Chan said, finally looks at Minho.

"Okay then. If Felix find another person to replace you, I won't be surprise" Minho said before he walks away. The older looks at before palming his face.

"What should I do?!" Chan screamed on his palm. "I should talk to Felix" He immediately gets up and go to their room.

Before he comes in, he knocked first. "Lix? Are you there?" Silence... "Princess let's talk. Please..." He begged.

Felix keep his mouth shut. Chan sighed and opens the door himself. He saw the younger is laying on the bed and playing video game on his phone.

Chan sit on the bed and stares at his boyfriend. "What do you want Christopher?" Felix said coldly. "Can't I look at my own princess?"

"No you can't" He answered simple. Chan pulls Felix up so they can sit beside each other. He caresses Felix's cheek and arm.

"I'm sorry again babe. I always ignore you when I do my work. I really want to spend time with you but I just realized that I can stop doing my work every time I want"

"What can I do to make up to you?" Chan asked smiling. Felix sit on his lap and stares into his eyes. "Wanna ride daddy~" Felix whined.

Chan smirked. "What was that princess? I can't hear you~" Chan teased. "If you can't hear then I-" "Okay babe I'm kidding"

Chan lay down and waits. "What are you waiting for princess?" "I-I get to be in charge?" Felix smiles widely. "Yes baby. You can do whatever you want~" Chan smiles.

Before they start anything, Felix peppers Chan's face with kisses. "I LOVE YOU CHANNIE!" Chan chuckles and kissed Felix's lips.

"I love you too~" Felix took off Chan's shirt and stares at his abs. "Why are you staring princess? You've seen this millions time" Chan chuckles.

"Wanna eat daddy's white chocolate " Felix pouted. "Even the meaning is dirty but you still looking cute while saying that"

Felix kiss Chan's neck and suck it multiple times. He pulls away so he can look at his art. "It's a masterpiece!" Felix cheer.

He continues and trails down to Chan's 'white chocolate' and bites it. Chan groaned and the younger is enjoying his sight.

"Daddy's chocolate tastes sweet " After he said that he licked his lips. He pulls down Chan's pant and boxer. His Chris JR sprung out of his pant.

"I forgot how big you are" Felix gulps nervously. The younger told Chan to sit up. The older sit up and looks at Felix.

Felix stripped himself, showing his new lingerie. Chan stares at his beautiful princess in awed. He pulled Felix closer by his waist.

"When did you got this baby?" "A week ago. I wanna show this to you but you're busy. I decided to show you earlier today but here we are" Felix smiles.

"Do still wanna get in charge?" Chan asked. Felix shook his head. "Wanna be dominate by daddy~" He whined. "As you wish baby~"

Chan stripped Felix gently. He put the lingerie aside and leaves hickeys on Felix's body. "Mine" Chan growled??? (I knew that he can't growl but let's just pretend he can)

He takes some lubes and spread it on Felix's hole. After that he positions himself and slowly pushing in.

"Want it rough~" Felix whined. Without warning Chan starting moves faster. "Y-yes d-daddy! D-deeper!"

Chan slams harder and deeper. "D-daddy right t-there!" Chan angle himself and slams at Felix's G spot.

Felix suddenly cum without asking for Chan's permission. Chan ignores him and keep chasing his high.

"D-daddy! S-sensitive!" "Shh" Chan moves faster and came in Felix. Chan kissed Felix's forehead before taking him in the bathtub.

"They're fucking loud" Changbin mumbled.

strxyski 2min is next 😉

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