Chapter 5

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2.00 pm

Felix get up to get more snacks but saw Chan standing behind the couch. "Channie!" Felix went to Chan. "Here Hyunjin get Jeongin some snacks" Felix said and hand him the empty bowl. Chan dragged Felix to their shared bedroom.

They sit on their bed and looked at each other. "You have some blood on your face Channie" Felix said and wiped the blood on his face. The freckles boy pushed Chan down so he lay down. "You worked too much. Please take a rest. Look your eyes bag" Felix nagged.

Felix keep nagging but Chan didn't even pay attention to what the younger said because he's mesmerizing his boyfriend face. "Babe how should I rest if you're nagging? You better cuddle me here and I'll take a nap" The younger sigh and went beside Chan on the bed.

Chan pulled him in and wrapped his arm around the freckles boy. "Your body is so warm baby~ So comfortable~" Chan mumbled sleepy. "Just sleep babe. You don't have to talk about it" Chan is a really busy person. Even though he's usually in his office, he make a lot of stressful works.

Sometimes Felix always try to let him rest but Chan being Chan, he didn't sleep. Sometimes when he pitied his boyfriend, he decided to take a rest. He never thinks about his health mentally. The only time he really take a full rest was a day before him and the other members go to a mission.

He thinks he needs enough rest to focus tomorrow for his mission but if it's a regular day tomorrow, he will sleep late to finish his paper work. Felix stared at Chan's face. "I really hope you take enough rest without me dragging you to the bed" he said and kissed Chan's forehead.


Hyunjin took some snacks from the kitchen and brought them to the living room and put them on the table. "Thanks Hyunjin" Changbin said as he take one chocolate bar. "Hyung! I brought them for my Innie!" "It's okay Jinnie hyung we can share these snacks. There's a lot" "But I brought it for you" Hyunjin pouted.

"Okay okay I'll eat it" Jeongin assured Hyunjin and take care one of the snacks. They heard someone whimpered and looked at Minho. Seungmin is waking up in little space. "H-hyungie not comfortable" Seungmin on the verge of crying. "Okay Minnie let's go to the bedroom okay?" Minho said softly and carried him the bedroom.

"Why did Seungmin talked like that?" Hyunjin asked everyone in the living room. "Seungmin hyung is a little" answered Jeongin. "What the heck is that?" "It's a person that behave like a child when he's stress" (I don't even know if this is right) "I still don't understand" "You're dumb that's why you didn't understand. Let's go baby boy to our room" Changbin said and carried han on his shoulder.

"Shut the fuck up hyung!" Hyunjin yelled at Changbin. Before Changbin get to yell back Minho yelled from upstairs. "YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP HYUNJIN! SEUNGMIN IS TRYING TO SLEEP AND IF YOU WAKE HIM UP AGAIN I'LL KILL YOU!" Changbin silently laugh at Hyunjin before entering his bedroom.

"Innie looked at Changbin hyung... I didn't like it when he teased me" Hyunjin whined. Jeongin ignored what Hyunjin said and changed the subject. "So did you and Changbin hyung get the debtors?" "Yeah we do. Why?" "Where are they? Felix hyung said you and Chan hyung brought to our basement"

"They're still in at the basement" "Dead?" Jeongin suddenly whispered. "No they're not buy why are we whispering" Hyunjin whispered back. "I just don't want the others to hear what are we talking about" "Why? It's not like we're talking about some private things" Hyunjin said.

"We don't know maybe someone can be offended by what I said..." "And who is that baby?" "I don't know maybe Chan hyung" Jeongin whispered again. "Okay then how about we go to our room and talk" Hyunjin holds Jeongin's hand and they walked together to their room.

"Babe why are you so cautious today? Do you have anything to tell me?" asked Hyunjin. "Actually I have a nightmare last night. In the nightmare you-" Suddenly someone knocked on their door. "Come in" Minho opened the door. "Hey Chan hyung wanna see us" "Okay. We'll continue this later okay baby?" he gave Jeongin a peck on his lip before walked out.

Minho and Hyunjin walked to Chan's office and saw Chan and Changbin are already talking to each other. They come in and sit down on the couch. "What's so important hyung?" "Well this week we'll be busy" "Why?" "Well TXT found out that The Boyz (I'm sorry to all The B) are back so they need our help. They are our ally after all" Chan said.

"So we'll meet TXT tomorrow to execute a plan. You guys got it?" "Yes hyung" They said at the same time. "You guys can leave for now. I need finish this works" "Hyung so only the four of us? How about Seungmin and the others?" asked Minho. "We never leave Felix and Jeongin alone together and now we have Jisung and Seungmin. What should we do?" said Changbin.

Chan think for awhile. "I'll ask Soobin if we can bring them. If he say no then I'll think again" "Alright hyung we'll go now" "You guys are worried about that two kids huh?" Chan asked and smirked. "W-well I'm just w-worried because Seungmin is a l-little" Minho stuttered.

"W-who am I g-gonna fuck if t-there's no Jisung" Changbin said trying to sound smooth. "Yeah yeah whatever get out now" Chan pushed them out of his office. He walked back to his table and take his phone.

"Hello Soobin?"

"Yes Chan what do
you need?"

"Can I bring 4 more people?
In total 8 people will come
including me"

"Sure as long as you
come and help us"

"Alright see you tomorrow then"

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