Chapter 10

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9.10 am

"Oops. Not ally but ex ally" Chan laughed, corrected Soobin. "Whatever. Here take your diamonds and fuck off" Sangyeon threw a small bag to Soobin. "Count it" Soobin handed the bag to Taehyun.

"We lost 3 diamonds" Taehyun told his leader. "We're not gonna leave unless you give us our 3 diamonds" Sangyeon looked away from them so they didn't lock eyes with each other.

"Where's our diamonds?!" "We used it" Soobin chuckled dryly. "Used it? For what? You're poor now?" Sangyeon feels his blood boiling. "Yes we are! You're gonna kill us? Kill us then"

"No I don't want to kill all of you. Just the 3 of you" "N-no. If you're gonna kill anyone, kill me only or kill all of us" "Nah I don't want to kill you guys. Maybe just a lil bit torture"

"What are you talking about?" "Let us break some bones from your body" "Why must it be Sangyeon hyung!" Eric yelled. "Well I don't know maybe because he's the one that lead you guys to steal out diamonds"

Eric keep quite. Soobin isn't wrong tho. Sangyeon's the one that suggested this. Sangyeon's the one that lead them to this. Sangyeon's the one that made them poor. Sangyeon's the one that decided to betray their allies.

"Fine but not in front of my members" "We can do it anywhere you want" Soobin smiled like a mad person. Sangyeon walked them to a hidden place. "You guys can beat me up here"

"Bat" Yeonjun handed the bat to his boyfriend. Soobin has a little pity in his heart because Sangyeon's is one of his friends before. He swing the bat and the oldest left leg.

"I'm done here" Soobin walked away left the minor injured boy there. "I thought you want to break my bones" Sangyeon chuckled sarcastically. "You should be grateful. I have my men all around your warehouse"

"You really want to leave Sangyeon just like that? He-" "He can't pay the diamonds back and I'm not satisfied enough when I beat him" Soobin cut off Kai's sentence. "Let's go home. Stray kids must be tired" Beomgyu said.

"Yeah we need to go back home. I have a lot of work to do" Chan said. "I can't stop you but please take a rest hyung. You don't want to faint in front of Felix again do you?" Soobin reminded him.

"You don't need to remind me of that" Chan glared at the younger. After Stray kids packed their things, they go home straight away. Minho is arranging his and Seungmin's clothes.

When he saw the skirt, he smiled. It reminded him to the unforgettable night. The night he officially became Seungmin's caregiver. He doesn't know why he's happy about but he just do.

He walked at downstairs and saw Changbin and Hyunjin on their phones. He looked at the clock. 2.45 pm. "Changbin go pick them up from college" He ordered Changbin.

The shortest looked at the clock and stand up. He drive himself the maknae line's (except Hyunjin) college. He always wait in front of their entrance. One by one person get into the car except Jisung.

"Where's Jisung?" He asked all of them. "I don't know. He doesn't have his last class with me" Seungmin informed Changbin. "Me too" "I'm not even in the same year with him" Changbin parked the car at the parking lot.

"I'll search for him and you guys don't go anywhere okay?" "Yes hyung" They obeyed the shortest. Changbin is walking inside the college and try to be attentive to hear anything.

He heard sobs and a yelp from a storage room. He doesn't even care who's inside and barged in. The good news is he found Jisung. But the bad news is his baby boy is laying weakly on the floor with bruises on his face.

He bent down put the younger on his lap and cupped his face. "What happened to you baby boy?" He whispered and rub the squirrel boy back. "Look at him. I knew he's a faggot" Changbin heard a bitchy voice.

He looked up and saw the girl from before. Rebecca. He stand up with Jisung in his arms. "What do you think you're doing huh?!" He yelled, blood boiling. The girl scoffed. "He is one of the boy that embarrassed me and show off his limo!"

"W-wanna go home..." Jisung whispered when Changbin wanted to say something. "Okay baby let's go home" Changbin smiled to calm down the younger. Surprisingly Jisung smiled back even though his face is hurting.

"No don't smile when your face is hurting. You will blah blah blah" Jisung didn't pay attention to what the older said and let Changbin carrying him out of the storage room.

He put his head on Changbin's neck and sniffed the older scent. Weirdly it's comforting him. Changbin on the other hand surprised by Jisung's action.

'Stop it Changbin. He's not your boyfriend plus Hyunjin accidentally kidnapped him'

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