Chapter 16

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11.00 am

"What are you guys talking about hmm?" Minho asked his Minnie. "It's story telling time!" Seungmin said, giggling and makes Minho blushes a little.

"Really? About what?" Chan asked all of them. "Jeongin told us how he and Hyunjin met and Felix told us how he found you hyung!" Seungmin slowly slipping in his little space.

"Is my Minnie slipping now?" Minho asked the dog looking boy. The younger just nodded and put his head on Minho's shoulder.

"Minnie sleepy..." Minho picked him up bridal style. "Let's go take your nap my sweet puppy~" and Minho walked away.

"So what mission did you do just now?" Jeongin asked his boyfriend. Hyunjin is about to tell him but Chan cut him off. "This time we can't tell you about it"

"Why?" "This mission is top secret. If we tell you guys, it will be more dangerous than it already are. I'm not gonna tell Felix either" Chan explained.

"Huh? Is it that dangerous?" Felix pouted. "Yes it is sunshine. I'll tell you when this mission end completely" "Okay then. Anyways (anygays) are you guys tired?"

"Yeah I am. I think I've shot more than 20 people" Changbin leaning his head on the couch. "Babe can you do me a favour?" Changbin asked Jisung nicely.

"Of course Binnie" Jisung smiled. "Can
you give me a glass of water please?~" Jisung pecked the shorter lips and walks to the kitchen.

"Hyung I thought you hate it when we call you Binnie?" Hyunjin asked. "Yeah I hate it but I can't resist the cuteness
from my boyfriend"

"BOYFRIEND?!" They all shouted. "Shh!!" Minho shut them up from his room. "Seo Changbin is having a real boyfriend?" Chan asked him, disbelief.

"Yah hyung! What do you mean by that?!" "Well you're a type of person that likes to hook up" Felix gave his point. "You-" He saw Jisung is walking to him and smiles again.

Jisung hand in the glass and sit beside him. "Thank you baby~" "Umm Jisung I have a question for you" Hyunjin asked. Jisung looks at him and tilted his head a little.

"What is it?" "Did you lost your virginity to Changbin hyung?" Changbin spit his water out at Hyunjin. "What type of question is that?" Jeongin slapped Hyunjin's arm.

"Ow! Don't you worry about my wet face?" "No I don't! Look at Jisung's face!" He looked at Jisung and saw the younger face looks like a tomato.

"I'm just curious~" Hyunjin pouted. "I'm shock cause he didn't do anything to Jisung yet" Chan interrupted. "Chan hyung! Please don't say that!" Jisung hid his face in his hands.

They all laughed together. "Oh yeah Jeongin promised us that he'll continue his story" "I-it's nearly lunch time so I'll continue after lunch"

"Oh really? I thought it's already ended?" Hyunjin questioned Jisung. "That's how they met not how they fell in love with each other"

"Oh~ I'm gonna tell you guys about it~" Hyunjin volunteered. "No! You're gonna make the story sounds different!" "What's the matter tho?" Hyunjin laughed.

"Yeah I wanna know too" Changbin interrupted. "True. We don't know how they fell in love. What we knew, the next day they said they're a couple" Chan continued.

12.30 pm

"So guys let's continue our story telling session!" Changbin said, smiling. "Story telling?" Seungmin asked. "We're gonna continue with Innie story" Felix reminded Seungmin.

"Oh... I forgot about it" He laughed sheepishly. "Okay guys pay attention cause Hwang Hyunjin is the one that gonna tell you this story!" Hyunjin announced himself.


It's been a month since Jeongin lived here with us. He's acting really shy in front of hyungs but he's okay with Felix and I. One day, Chan hyung gave us a holiday.

Chan hyung and Felix went on a date together. Minho hyung wanted to meet his old friends. Changbin hyung went to his parents' house.

So I was with Innie in the house. I want to go to the shopping mall but I don't wanna go there alone. So I decided to asked Jeongin to come with me.

I entered my room and looked for him. I saw him sitting on chair while reading a book. "Hey Jeongin" He looked up and smiled a little.

"Yes hyung?" "Umm... I wanna go to the shopping mall so you wanna come with me?" "I want to but I'm afraid that Chan hyung will kill me"

"No he won't. As long as you're not gonna get lost, he'll be okay" I assured him. "Okay then. Let's go" He get up and followed me to our garage.

At the shopping mall we bought clothes, stationaries, shoes and we even got our hair dyed. I treated him foods and sweets. Until we're tired.

When we arrived home, luckily that the others didn't come home yet. Since then, we keep talking with each other. Whenever Chan hyung gave us holiday, we spent time together.

End of flashback

"Did you hear my story babe? I didn't change the story even a little bit" Hyunjin proud of himself. "Yeah whatever" Jeongin ignored him. All of them laughed together.

Meanwhile they're happy with themselves, they didn't noticed that someone is watching them.

"Han Jisung and Kim Seungmin~. I'll use you guys as my bait~" The guy laughed maniacally. "Wait and see Bang Chan. I'll kill you just like you killed the one I loved"

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