❗Chapter 19❗

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7.00 pm

Seungmin slipped out of his little space hours ago. His wrist hurts because of the tight rope. His mouth hurts because of the gag.

When he's spacing out, someone come inside the room and switch the light on. When he saw the light, he looks at the person.

Jinha with a tray on her hands. She put the tray on a table and lock the door. She removed the gag and untied the rope. She pushed the tray to Seungmin.

"Eat the fuck up" She commanded. Seungmin shook his head, afraid that they put something in the food. "Just eat! We need you to stay alive when they come!" Jinha yelled.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM THEM?!" Seungmin yelled back. Jinha walks to him and step on one of his hand. "Mind your own business"

Seungmin sobbed while clutching his hand. "I thought Minho teach you how to behave. I guess he's as rude as you" "He did teach me how to behave but not with someone like you" Seungmin snapped.

Jinha cupped his face harshly. "Hear this mutt. When I get Minho back, you'll suffer in this room alone and until you die" She gritted her teeth.

"What makes you think that he wants you back?" Seungmin laughed sarcastically, even though every inch of his body hurts.

Well that's how Minho taught him to handle a rude person. Jinha slapped both of his cheeks. "You don't wanna eat huh? Okay then"

She walks out of the room and come back with two men. "Beat him up and tie him just like before" Jinha commanded her men.

They threw a punch on his face and kick his stomach. They repeat the movement and Seungmin started to cough. "Don't stop until he spits blood"

They continue until Seungmin spits blood. Jinha took some pictures and give it to one of the man. "Print this and give it to his 'friends' "

They obeyed and walk out. "This is why you can't mess up with me mutt" She spits on him and walks out. "D-dwaddy it h-huwts..." He sniffed.

7.15 pm
At Skz's mansion.

All of them are in Chan's office. They discuss with each other until they heard the bell rang. Changbin volunteered to open the door.

When he walks down, he saw there's an envelope IN their house. He picked it up and rushed to the office. He slammed the envelope on the table.

"This thing is INSIDE our house! And it says 'Your little boy is so rude Lee Know baby :(' " Changbin said. Hyunjin takes it and hand it to Minho.

Felix, Jisung and Jeongin look from behind Chan's body. Minho opened the envelope and saw some pictures. Minho inspects it and started to cry.

He threw it on the table and kneels down. He covered his face with his knees. "D-daddy is sorry M-Minnie..." Minho hiccuped.

The maknae line are crying while looking at Seungmin's state in the picture. "You'll be dead Jinha. How dare you beat up my baby and get away just like that"

Minho took a gun and walks out of the office. Changbin and Hyunjin stopped him immediately. "LET ME GO! I'LL KILL THEM!"

Chan slapped his face lightly. "Hyung please calm down. We'll figure out how to attack them. You can't go there by yourself!" Soobin said.

Minho sit down and cry again. "I want you to stable your emotion. If you can't, I won't let you participate in this mission" Chan said sternly.

Minho eyes widen and he quickly wiped his tears. "I'm sorry Chan. I'll try" Minho said. "It's okay. So Soobin, what's our plan?" "Our plan is..."

10.00 pm

Seungmin is tired and he thinks that he can pass out on the chair while tied up. Suddenly the door slammed open.

"Hi Minnie~" Seungmin looks up and saw Jinwoo. He's afraid with Jinwoo cause before he recorded the video, it's not his men that beat Seungmin up but Jinwoo himself.

"Look at all the bruises that I left on your face~. They looks so pretty on you~" He caresses Seungmin's cheek and slapped him again.

"W-why are y-you doing t-this?" Seungmin stuttered. "Oh . I just wanna return Chan's favour~" "W-what did C-Chan do?" Seungmin asked.

"HE MAKES MY BOYFRIEND MURDERED HIMSELF!" Jinwoo yelled at Seungmin. "T-then why m-me?" Seungmin starting to cry again.

"It's because Minho loves you . You're Chan's friend . My sister wants Minho back and I want to revenge for my boyfriend so we're killing two birds with one stone "

After Jinwoo told him that, he get up leave. Seungmin looks at the door and thinks again. 'It's a lie right? Chan hyung must have his own reason'

Jinwoo walking into his own room and sit down on his bed. He takes a frame picture of him and hi boyfriend, Yeonwoo.

'If you're here Yeonwoo, I'll never be like this. Why did you kill yourself? Can't you accept me as who I am?'


"What happened to my boyfriend?! Why is he like this?!" Yeonwoo asked Chan who's standing in front of Jinwoo's ward.

"He's a mafia! He helped us! If it's not because of him, we'll be dead by now! You shpuld be grateful that he isn't in coma!"

Yeonwoo can't believe that his own boyfriend is a mafia. 'Mafia is a bad guy. I shouldn't involve in this type of business'

Yeonwoo ran outside the hospital to get home. He locked himself in his bedroom. In specific time, he locked himself up for almost two weeks until Jinwoo discharged.

Right after Jinwoo discharged, he called Jinwoo so they can meet at a bridge. Jinwoo didn't find anything suspicious cause he thought that his boyfriend wants to enjoy the sunset.

"Hey baby I'm here!" Jinwoo yelled when he saw Yeonwoo. "Why won't you tell me that you're a mafia? If I knew, I won't date you!"

"Who told y-" "Chan" "Chan? I'm s-" "Goodbye Jinwoo . I won't bother you anymore " and Yeonwoo threw himself in the water.

End of flashback

'You shouldn't tell him but you did. How about I kill Felix when they get here?'

Both of my legs are swollen :(

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