Chapter 15

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"What?! You'll kill him? No no Christopher no!" Felix protests "Then what should I do hmm? I can't let someone that knows our secret live just like that" Chan argued back.

"T-there's no other way?" Felix said, his eyes brimming with tears. "P-please don't kill innocent people. It wasn't his mistake Channie please..." Felix begged again.

Chan sighed. "I'm not gonna kill him but don't expect me to treat him good" Chan said sternly. "T-that's better, right?" Now Felix's looked at me.

I'm still speechless so I just nodded. "But hyung! We can't keep him alive! What if he escape? What if the same thing happen again?!" Minho yelled, frustrated.

"Calm down hyung" Changbin pushed him backwards slowly. Minho scoffed and stomped upstairs. Changbin followed him upstairs.

"You better behave or I'll kill you for real" Chan cupped his face harshly. "And you. You better improve your skill or I'll kill you as well" Chan threatened Hyunjin.

"Come on baby let's go upstairs" Chan grabbed Felix's hand and dragged him. Hyunjin looked down and looked at me. He kneels in front of me and apologize.

"I-I'm sorry c-cause I kidnapped y-you. 
I-I'm just trying t-to impress Chan" Hyunjin sniffed and wiped his tears with his sleeves.

"C-can you untie me?" I stuttered. "Oh y-yeah" After he untied me, he told me to
follow him. I followed him until we reached a room.

"Y-you'll be staying a-at my room" I just nodded and get inside. "I-I'm sorry again-" "No it's okay. I mean it. I-I don't like living with my father" I shrugged.

"So Yang Jaehoo is your father?" "Yeah. I'm guessing that he owed your friends money?" "How do you know?" "He likes to gamble and drink all day long"

I breathe in before speak again. "He almost sold me to the person he debt. That day, I ran away from home. I came
back to get my things but I ended up here" I giggles.

"Really?" "I just hope that 'Chan' open up to me or that Minho guy" "Well we have trust issues so you have to work on that" Hyunjin chuckled.

End of flashback

"And that's how we met" Jeongin end his story. "How about when you guys fall in love?" Seungmin asked out of curiosity. "I'll save that after Felix hyung tell us his story"

"Me?" "Yeah Felix. Why are you hesitating? Is it an embarrassing story?" Jisung teased him. "N-no it's not!" The all laughed Felix. "Fine" Felix sighed.


Chan and I know each other since we were baby. I spent most of my childhood with him but one day he needs to move to Korea with his family.

We promised that we'll find each other when we grow up. After years Chan didn't contact me at all so I decided to find him in Korea.

I asked my parents where he lived before and they gave me their old address. When I arrived at Korea, I went straight to the address.

When the door opened, it reveals someone that I don't know. I asked if they know the Bang family. He said that the Bang couple died in an accident and their son is still missing.

When I heard that I feels my heart stopped. I went to a hotel and stay there. After I freshen up myself, I immediately called my parents to tell them what's happening.

I told them that I'm not gonna come back to Australia until I know where is Chan. I went to all the nearby neighborhood until I'm done asking all people there.

After that I went to Seoul cause they said it's easier to find someone there. I search him for days until one day come. The day is just like the other days.

It's midnight and I just went to a grocery store to buy a cup of ramen. I'm waiting for my Uber to come. Suddenly I heard a gunshot.

Well I'm a curious person so I walked to where I heard the gunshot. It's from a dark alley way so I peek from a nearby wall and saw four men stand there with a dead body.

Me being a clumsy person, my water bottle fell out of my bag. One of the guys saw me and quickly grabbed my arm. "He saw us hyung" The short man said.

"Well well well. Who do we got here?" My eyes widen when I saw his face. "Channie?" His face turned from a cocky expression to a shock one.

"H-how do you know my name?" "Chris it's me Felix!" "Let go of him Changbin" He cupped my face and looked into my eyes. "What are you doing here Felix?" "I'm searching for you" I whispered.

"H-how can you go missing just like that! You made me worried sick!" Felix is now crying. Chan kissed his tears away. "I'm so sorry Lix"

Chan bring me to their mansion so we can catch up. "Why are you suddenly wants to meet me?" "Of course because I miss you!" The older chuckled and hug me.

"I'm glad we meet again" "Me too. Actually I want to to tell you something" Chan pulled away from the hug and looks at me. "What is it?"

"I love you Channie" Chan smiled widely and leave kisses all over my face. "I love you too Yongbok"

End of flashback

"I've told you guys the whole story so now let's continue with-" "We're home baby!" They heard Hyunjin yelled.

Tomorrow is my friend's birthday ✧٩(♡ε♡)۶🎂

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