❗Chapter 4❗

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1.00 pm

Changbin kissed Jisung's ear and down to his neck. He sucked and bit leaving hickeys on the younger boy. "M-master~" Jisung feels that letting Changbin use him is wrong but he can't say no when the pleasure took over him.

Changbin pulled away go down on his thigh. "Your thigh is so perfect. I'm gonna mark you so everyone know who you belong to" He praised Jisung. Jisung love praises. He likes it when Changbin praise him.

Changbin licked Jisung's thigh and immediately marked him. "Your thigh taste sweet baby boy~" Jisung moaned when his master called him sweet. "I see you like praises huh baby~ You're such a good boy for master~" Jisung whimpered when Changbin leave a hickey on him again.

"SEO CHANGBIN!!!" "What the fuck do you want?!" Changbin yelled clearly mad. "You need to go to a mission!" yelled Chan from downstairs. "We'll continue this baby" Changbin whispered in Jisung's ear. He changed his clothes and said "I'll be back" to Jisung before he walked out. Jisung sit there and looked at his body.

Full of Changbin's marks. He traced his fingers on his hickeys. "I love it" He said it to himself. Changbin walked downstairs while glaring at Chan. "What mission hyung? I was having fun upstairs" "I don't care. I want you to tag along with Hyunjin" "Why?" "So he don't make any mistake" stated Chan. "But why me? Why not you?"

"I'm your leader. You need to obey what I said. Plus I'm busy with my paper work" "What about Minho hyung?" "I need to take care of Seungmin. What will you expect from a little that will wake up without his caregiver?" Minho interrupted from his bedroom door way.

"Fine. Come Hyunjin let's get this done" Changbin said as he walked to the garage. "Be focus on your mission baby!" Jeongin reminded Hyunjin. On their way to the destination, Changbin started a conversation. "Who's the guy that Chan wants you to kidnap?" "I don't know his name but Felix gave me a picture of them" Hyunjin said and give the picture to Changbin.

"Ahh... These guys are the people that owe Chan's moneys for months. They asked for money like 4 months ago but suddenly when Chan want his moneys back, they already gone" Hyunjin nodded and focus on the road.

"Actually Hyunjin, what did you do when you kidnapped Jisung and Seungmin?" "I don't even know. Maybe I was daydreaming" Hyunjin laugh. "Hyunjin this is not funny. What if Chan really kick you out? You know that sometimes he is not in his right mind" "I know"

"We're here hyung" Hyunjin parked his car at a playground. Surprisingly the playground is almost empty. "Why are they at the playground?"  "I'm not sure why but Felix said it's here" Hyunjin said as he confirmed it with Felix. "Alright then. Let's finish this up" Changbin said and get out of the car. Hyunjin followed behind him.

They looked around for two certain guys. Hyunjin saw one of them and he tapped Changbin's shoulder. "What?" asked Changbin. "I saw one of the guy. I'll follow him while you'll keep searching for the other one?" "Okay but before we put them in your car make sure we got the right guys" Hyunjin nodded and followed the man he just saw.

He ran to the man and stand in front of him. "Hello sir" The guy tried to run but Hyunjin caught up with him and dragged him to his car while waiting for Changbin. When Hyunjin left Changbin, he saw a man in black walking. The man looked at his left and right. 'Seem suspicious enough for me' thought Changbin.

He went closer to the guy to make sure that he us right. When he saw that guy's face, he gripped his hand and pulled him up. The guy fight back and punch Changbin. "You just made a mistake buddy" Changbin growled and throw a stronger punch to the man. Changbin pulled him to Hyunjin's car and push him inside the back seat of the car.

They tied them up and Hyunjin started to drive. "Hyung you looks so mad. What happened?" Hyunjin laughed. "The jerk that I caught punched me in the face" Changbin said clearly mad. "Wow. One if them made you mad. They're really unbelievable" When they arrived at the mansion, they pushed out the debtors to go inside.

"Chan hyung we're back and we have your debtors!" yelled Hyunjin. Chan walked to the living room and saw his debtors kneeling in front of him. "Hyung I'll go to bedroom now" Changbin excused himself. "Yeah you can go now. Hyunjin bring them to our basement" commanded Chan as he walked to the basement.

"Make them kneel here" as sit on a chair and pointing a place in front of him. Hyunjin pushed the debtors down so they're kneeling in front of Chan. "So... Where were you guys the past 4 months?" Silence... "Okay you don't want to answer that question, fine but where is my moneys?" Silence again... "AM I TALKING TO A WALL OR WHAT?!" yelled Chan.

"I-I don't h-have enough money to p-pay you b-back" Debtor 1 said. "M-me too s-sir" Debtor 2 said. "You guys are really testing my patience but you guys don't have to worry anymore. Hyunjin hand me a dagger" Hyunjin gave Chan one of the sharpest dagger. "I'll torture you guys slowly and painfully" Chan laughed.

"Tied them up on the wall Hyunjin" Hyunjin obeyed Chan. After he finished tied them up, Chan threw a dagger  and one of their leg. Chan saw the blood coming out and he feels satisfied. They yelled in pain and it was music to Chan's ear. "Come one Hyunjin let's go upstairs and leave them like that. I'll come down here again tomorrow"

They walked to the living room and saw everyone is watching a TV show. Jisung on Changbin's lap, Seungmin sleeping on Minho's shoulder, and Felix with Jeongin beside him. They looked so peaceful.

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