Chapter 3

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Flashback - Storybrooke - Years Ago

On the Jolly Roger, Hook was training Henry in sword fighting, Henry finally got the upper hand, "Always watch the blade, I got it," Henry said.

Emma arrived with Vivian, "Wow, I'm impressed. you fight like your grandfather," Emma said.

"Should that be an insult, but to who?" Vivian asked with a smile.

"Mom, Viv, we're practising," Henry said.

Hook disarmed Henry, "Actually, we just finished... Like I told you, always keep your eyes on the blade," Hook said.

"What's the point? I'm never gonna be good enough," Henry said as he walked off.

Vivian and Emma walked to Hook as they all looked at Henry, "What's going on with him lately?" Vivian asked.

"I think you both know, he's almost grown," Hook said.

"He's about to leave home, isn't he?" Emma asked.

"Aye," Hook said.

"I'm gonna go talk to him," Emma said.

"What, to stop him?" Vivian asked her.

"I missed so much already, I don't want to..." Emma said.

"This isn't an ending, Emma. There's more to come," Hook said.

"But we don't know for sure, what if I don't get a second chance?" Emma said to Hook.

Hook and Vivian looked at each other before looking at Emma, "Okay, okay," Vivian said and walked to a chest with magical items that they kept on the Roger in case of emergencies and items that she's given Hook over the years for a helping hand, "I'll make things less terrifying," She said and pulled out a small bottle.

"A little bottle of rum? Because I wouldn't say no," Emma said.

"You end up being a with a pirate and everyone thinks you're addicted to rum," Vivian commented.

"You are," Hook said.

"Hush," Vivian said and stood in front of this, "This is actually a little bottle of magic. You pour the water out, speak your message into the bottle, add the name of your favourite pirate, drop the bottle into the water," Vivian explained.

"And before you say 'yo-ho-ho', it'll find the person you seek. Vivian made it for me in time of need," Hook added.

"A message in a bottle," Emma said.

"Literally," Vivian said.

Emma hugged Vivian who hugged back, "Thank you," Emma said.

"It's not a problem," Vivian said.

"Look, he's grown into a fine young lad," Hook began and the two girls looked at him, "And he's lucky to have a mother and big sister, like you two," Hook said.

"He's lucky to have a pirate like you," Emma said and the married couple smile at each other.

"Ew," Vivian looked away from them, "If you two are gonna undress each other either your eyes, do it when you both are alone... I do not want my breakfast coming back up," Vivian said, Emma and Hook chuckled at her.

Another Realm - Years Later

On Henry's journey, when he was gonna come home, he got caught up in another adventure considering a Cinderella who could fight. She was framed of killing the prince and had left her glass slipper. Henry decided to find her instead of going home to see his family. He was currently being chased.

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