Chapter 16

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At the police station, Weaver met with Victoria after she talked with Drizella.

"Time to take you back," Weaver set a pair of cuffs on the table, "Not exactly Tiffany, but they are bracelets all the same," Weaver said.

"I've missed our talks, Detective," Victoria said.

"Did you enjoy the one with your daughter?" Weaver asked.

"To be honest, not since she was 4. I only agreed to meet with her because I knew it would afford me the chance to speak with you," Victoria said.

"Oh, well, I am flattered but given your current situation, you don't have very much to offer," Weaver said.

"How could I forget your skillset comes with a price?" Victoria said.

"What are you getting at?" Weaver asked.

"I need help getting to my daughter," Victoria said.

"The little brat was just here," Weaver said.

"Not Ivy, Anastasia," Victoria leaned forward and spoke quietly, "Nobody's here. We're all alone, why pretend you're not concerned that Gothel is out of the tower... Especially after what she did to Vivian," Victoria said.

"Now, you say that like I should understand what all your nonsense means and I don't know a Vivian," Weaver said.

Victoria inhaled sharply, "Well, why don't you let me know when I do start making sense? All the knickknacks you've been collecting, that great love you're separated from, that dagger you can't seem to get rid of. Separated from the woman who is like your daughter," Victoria said.

Weaver snapped his fingers as he stood up, "Stand up," He said.

Victoria stood up, "How is the search for The Guardian going? I have all the information you've long sought. You help me today and I'll gladly share it with you... Rumpelstiltskin," Victoria said.

"I'd say..." Weaver took the cuffs from her, "You've got yourself a deal... Rapunzel," Weaver looked at her, "But if you ever mention what happened to Vivian without regret in your voice to me again you'll be sorry and remember... If you wake Vivian, I will sit back and let her tear you from your power, limb by limb," Weaver said to her.

"Is that a threat?" Victoria asked.

"No, it's a warning. Even I and Regina can't control Vivian when she's beyond control," Weaver looked at her, "But... I'll point her in Gothel's direction," Weaver said.

Meanwhile, at the bar, Adaline was looking at her engagement ring that hung around her neck. She unclipped the chain and placed it in her purse, in her bag. 

She stood up and looked at Remy who was behind the bar watching her, "What is it?" She asked.

"You never remove that, everything okay?" Remy asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Thank you," Adaline smiled at him and they got to work.

Back at the station, Rogers arrived at the station as Victoria was leaving.

Victoria looked at Rogers, "Lovely morning, Detective," Victoria said.

"How are you out of jail?" Rogers asked.

"In a word determination, I didn't get to be who I am sitting around, waiting for others to improve my odds," Victoria said.

"And I didn't ask for a TED Talk, I asked how you managed to sidestep your charges," Rogers said.

Weaver came out of the station, "I'm afraid that honour goes to you, you failed to get a warrant and you dragged a citizen into police work," Weaver said.

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