Chapter 24

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Killian entered a tavern and found Mr Smee and the rest of his old crew there.

Mr Smee looked at him, "Captain, is it really you?" Smee asked.

"Mr Smee, it's been too long," Killian walked over and placed his hand on Smee's shoulder, "Hey, how's the Jolly Roger?" Killian asked.

"Shipshape and ready to set sail. If you want her back, just say the word," Smee said.

"Well, as much as I miss her, I'm here for another treasure," Killian removed his arm and his old crew gave him their full attention ready to help him, "I've been told that the Captain who holds it is here, a man named Ahab," Killian said.

Ahab stepped forward, "If it's Captain Ahab you seek then your search is over. Though your trouble, alas, has just begun, it's dangerous to seek me out, old man," He said.

"Well, it's a dangerous thing to call me, 'old man'," Killian said.

"Ah, the legendary Captain Hook, mhm. Well, it's nice to finally meet you and, you know, people they always tell me that I am what you used to be," Ahab said.

"No, I'm what I used to be, mate," Killian said.

Ahab laughed softly and pointed his sword at him, "Care to prove it?" He asked.

Killian moved Ahab's sword to the side with his hook, "Well, look, I'm not interested in fighting. I'm here looking for a magical weapon. Maui's Fishhook. Now, I've been told that you've taken possession of it," Killian said.

Ahab's first mate took out the weapon and Ahab chuckled, "I have, but no washed-up former pirate is gonna take it from me," Ahab said.

Ahab's first mate took out the weapon and Ahab chuckled, "I have, but no washed-up former pirate is gonna take it from me," Ahab said

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"Careful with those threats, lad. If you really know who I am then you know how this will end. Anyway, I'm not interested in bloodshed, I see you have a taste for the dice. Now, how about we place a wager, right? Your magical fish bard for, let's say, the um, the Jolly Roger herself?" Killian wagered.

Ahab chuckled and agreed, Mr Smee held up the dice in a cup, "Three dice, one roll and may the best captain win," Mr Smee said.

Ahab went first and he rolled a high, "Oh, that's quite a toss. It's gonna be hard to beat that but Lady Luck has been on my side before," Killian said and looked at Alice's rook chesspiece then rolled the dice, he rolled all 6's beating Ahab's roll.

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