Chapter 13

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Once Hook has got the directions from Rapunzel, he and Smee go to the witch's garden, it wasn't a nice looking garden, dark and dull.

"Ugh! This isn't exactly what I had in mind when you mentioned 'garden'," Mr Smee said.

"It's a witch's garden, Mr Smee and somewhere in here is the Golden Flower we seek. Find it, then we hightail it back to the ship before we come face-to-face with something more vicious than this," Hook said.

"So, how do we find the flower then?" Mr Smee asked him.

"Well, according to Rapunzel, we, uh... We sing. Something to do with the power of music revealing the heart," Hook began to sing, "Fifteen men on a dead man's chest. Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum," Hook sang but nothing happened, "Doesn't appear to have worked," Hook said.

"Maybe you need some rum first," Mr Smee said.

A giant gnome statue came to life as they turned around, "Bloody hell," Hook said and the giant gnome statue started to attack them.

"Might be more fearsome than we thought. It's too big! We're gonna need magic, Captain!" Mr Smee shouted.

"The song didn't work!" Hook said.

"Try another one!" Mr Smee shouted.

"Uh..." Hook thought of a song, "My young love said to me, my mother won't mind and my father won't cite you, for your lack of..." Hook sang.

"Over there!" Mr Smee shouted as he spotted the flower, Hook ran over and plucked it and the statue disintegrated, "It worked!" Mr Smee walked over to Hook, "What kind of sea shanty was that?" Mr Smee asked.

"It wasn't a shanty, it was a lullaby," Hook said.

"A lullaby? But you don't have children..." Mr Smee looked at Hook cautiously, "Is Vivian..." Hook glared at him, "Why do you know a lullaby?" Mr Smee asked.

"My mother used to sing it to me and my brother and then she dies and my father abandoned us and I didn't hear anything like it again. That's how I know a lullaby," Hook said.

"Right. Well, I'll k-keep that between us... So, uh, back to the Jolly Roger then?" Mr Smee said.

"Uh, actually, you go ahead, Mr Smee. I have some business to attend to," Hook said.

"You mean you're going back for Rapunzel?" Mr Smee sighed, "Captain... What about Vivian? You two just ended and you're going to go to a beautiful woman and what?" Mr Smee asked.

"What are you getting at? We ended," Hook said.

"You know what I'm getting at. Whenever you argue with Vivian, you find a beautiful woman and your troubles are doubled because of your actions... It's a pattern and the witch is still around as well," Mr Smee said.

"I'm Captain Hook and I can take care of one wily witch," Hook said.

End of Flashback

Henry, Adaline and Rogers were waiting for Tilly in the park. 

"You'd think a girl hocking watches wouldn't ever be late," Rogers said.

"You know, I've been thinking about what you said before about Eloise Gardener. This connection you feel with her, is this a cop thing or is there something more going on here?" Henry asked him.

"It isn't just cop thing. The night she vanished, I was drinking," Rogers began and the two looked at him, "Instead of patrolling her neighbourhood, I was en route to the bottom of a bottle, it's my fault she disappeared," Rogers said.

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