Chapter 23

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Rogers and Vivian walked into Rogers apartment later that night, both carrying a suitcase. 

Vivian looked around at his place before looking at him, "Thank you for doing this, Rogers," Vivian said.

Rogers looked at her, "It's alright, it's part of my job," Rogers said.

"Well, it's very nice of you," Vivian said and shut the door.

"I'll sort out a spare key for you and I'll visit your place for your post daily if you'd like," Rogers said.

"Thank you and the post I can go, it's on my way to work," Vivian said.

"I'd prefer to do it, in case the coven waits for you at your home," Rogers said.

Vivian smiled at him slightly, "Alright Detective, whatever you feel is safer, I'll do that," She said.

"You seem to be alright with this..." Rogers said.

"... A cult killed my... Frie... Fiance and they might be after me... I don't know why I'm alright with this," Vivian said.

"You have a point," Rogers said and led her to the spare room, "This will be yours," Rogers said and placed the cases by the closet.

"Thanks," Vivian said.

"You're welcome, my room is on the right, the restroom is in front of mine and the door opposite yours hold the washer and dryer," Rogers said.

"Okay, thank you," Vivian said with a nod.

"I'll go get you that spare key," Rogers said before leaving the room.

Vivian watched him leave and took a deep breath before unzipping her case, she opened it and saw her small jewellery box, she picked it up and opened it to see her engagement ring on the chain. She smiled and placed in on the dressing table.

Rogers walked in, "Here you go," He said.

Vivian turned and took the key, "Thanks," She said.

"If you need anything... I'm next door," Rogers said and walked out.

"Thank you," Vivian said as he closed the door, she smiled to herself and giggled to herself before she found her nightwear.

Flashback - Rapunzel's Tower

Killian admires his daughter as she painted the ocean, "That painting is gorgeous, Alice. The calm before the storm," Killian said.

"I don't think I like it," Alice said.

"How is that possible? It might be your best one yet. It's... I mean, it's beautiful," Killian said.

"It just... It makes me want to see the real ocean. I'm done painting for a while," Alice said and walked to the entrance of the tower then she touched the forcefield that was sealing her in.

"I'm sorry you're trapped in here, Starfish. I know it's not fair, but you know what? I might have something that'll make you smile. I was saving it for your birthday, but today is better," Killian said as he gave her a case full of sand from various oceans.

"Is it sand?" Alice asked him.

"Well, I figured if I couldn't take you to the sea, then I'd bring a piece of the sea to you," Killian said.

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