Chapter 9

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Adaline walked into Clucks and saw the crowd, she walked around to Lucy who was stamping paper bag with her firefly stamp. She smiled and looked at Jacinda and Sabine behind the counter.

"You two seem to be having fun," Adaline said.

Sabine looked at her, "You've been crying... What happened?" Sabine asked.

"Can I?" Adaline pointing to the kitchen looking at Jacinda who nodded.

Adaline walked into the back with Sabine, "What is it?" Sabine asked as Jacinda walked to them, Adaline took a deep breath and told them about her meeting with Rogers and the talk about James.

Sabine and Jacinda brought her into a hug, "Do you think he found the person who... You know?" Jacinda asked.

"I don't know," Adaline whispered and they pulled away, "I thought I was ready to move on you know, find something new or get closer with someone but... I don't think I'm able to... Detective Weaver said it went cold then a few days later someone with the symbol tattooed on his wrist appeared in the station," Adaline said.

"It doesn't make sense," Jacinda said and rubbed her back, "Go... Go sit with Lucy, you can't go to the bar feeling like this, I'll call Roni and let her know you're with me, okay?" Jacinda said.

"Okay, thank you," Adaline said.

"Here," Sabine handed her some beignets, "I know it's not the case closed and complete..." Sabine said.

"It's completely fine, thank you... So, what are you doing? Starting a beignet business?" Adaline asked.

"Giving the people a taster then seeing the profits then hopefully start our future," Sabine said.

"Sounds perfect," Adaline smiled, "If you need help with anything, just call... I need to keep busy again," Adaline said and walked to Lucy and sat beside her, "Hey," She said.

"Hi, you okay, Ada?" Lucy asked and Adaline nodded, "You've always been a bad liar," Lucy said before hugging her then Adaline hugged back.

At the station, Rogers walked into the interrogation where the perp with the tattoo was waiting for him, Rogers showed him the sketch in Eloise's journal.

"Do you recognise that?" Rogers asked.

"Yeah, ain't it the Seattle Mariners logo? You hit like a girl," He said.

Rogers exhaled heavily and took a seat across from the man, "That notebook is evidence from a missing-persons case, a girl that disappeared 10 years ago, Eloise Gardener. As well as the symbol, was written in a man's blood after he was murdered, over a year ago, James Farmer. Do they sound familiar?" Rogers asked.

"I was serving a sentence down in Stafford Creek, then," The man said.

"Is that so?" Rogers asked.

Yeah, it's where I got the tattoo. Cellmate told me it wards off evil," He said.

"You're a terrible liar," Rogers said.

"Bad things happen inside, you take whatever protection you can get. Check my record," He said and saw Rogers picking up the journal and watched him start to leave, "H-Hang on, I hope you and you're leaving me in the box?" The man asked.

Rogers looked at him, "Mr Coachman from the club didn't want to press charges, said it's more hassle than it's worth. You'll be out in 10," Rogers said.

"Hey, slugger? That's one powerful rune. If your lost girl was drawin' that, I'd hate to meet whatever evil she was facing down and my guess is, that James guy wasn't right in the head and did it himself," He said.

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