{1} Sorry

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(Lillian's POV)

Hey, I'm Lillian Anderson, and if there's a girl that you'd never want to be, it's me. I've had a pretty bad childhood, I mean, my dad left and my mom died, so my brother took care of me, and thank god cause he's pretty amazing. Now me, him, and his super sweet fiance, Nicole, all live in an apartment. I also have literally 1 friend so yeah, you could say I'm not popular, like at all. Everyone in school bullies me so that's also pretty great.

I sigh and hit my alarm clock, ugh! I hate Mondays. I get up then I take a shower and put on a T-shirt that says 'he who must not be named returns' - if you didn't know it's a Harry Potter reference - some jeans, my glasses, and a sweatshirt.

I go to the kitchen, and my brother as well as his fiance, who is an interior designer, are both usually out the door by the time I come out, so I just make myself a bowl of cereal and eat it up. I grab my phone, book bag, and my earbuds and start walking to school. It is only about a 7-minute walk so I pop my earbuds in and listen to music.

When I get to school I bow my head and walk in, I get a couple of stares, but not the 'oh she looks really cute' stare, and more of an 'eww her again' stare. I sigh and put my stuff into my locker.

I see my best friend."Hey Jen!" I say. Jenny is probably the sweetest girl you could ever meet, but she is low-key in love with this guy, Chris, and I just don't get it.

"Hey Lillian." She says as she takes her books out.

I take my english book out and start walking to my class, I trip over someone's foot and lookup.

"Sorry." I realize I tripped over "The Ace Aaron's" foot. I blush and start to say again "Sorry."

"Watch where you're going." he says coldly before walking away.

Rude much.

I bow my head as I get up.

That's Ace Aaron, he's my school's quarterback and like, a pretty big deal around here. He walks around like he owns the place, and he could easily get any girl he wanted. He's been with literally a billion girls yeah, jerk, I know.

I continue walking to class and I hear a faint whisper.


I look back and see Lexi. She's the "she-devil", she was the first one to start bullying me, and since she is popular, everyone followed.

I get to my class and sit in the back corner next to the window. I listen to music for about 5 minutes, cause I always get to class early, and just look out the window until the class begins.

On the board it says to read chapter 12 to 15, so I started reading, not talking or trying to get noticed by anyone.

Just before I finished the door flew open.

"Glad you decided to join us." my teacher says and I look back to see the student who was late.

"I know, I am a pleasure to meet." Ace Aaron says. The nerve of that guy.

He then sits at a desk.

The desk right next to mine!

"Hey." he whispers.

I ignore him.

"Yo, nerd." he says again.

Come on you got this, just don't say anything back.

"Psst? Hello?" he whispers yet again.

"Ugh.. what?" I whisper back.

"Why hello." he says with a cocky smirk and wave.

God he's annoying.

Thank God, he starts to read and leaves me alone.


"Lillian, why is Ace Aaron and Chris Biderman coming towards us!" Jenny says while we eat our lunch.

"What? Your crazy jenny." I say in disbelief.

"Am not." she says.

Then plop, two guys sit next to us which I see are Ace and Chris.

Ace then turns to me and says "I don't think I got your name yet."

"But do you really need it?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah, kinda." he says with a smirk.

I mumble again playing with my sweater strings "Ok.. Lillian."

"What was that?" he asked since I mumbled quietly

I say still in a mumble but a bit louder "L-Lillian."

"Lillian, that's a really cute name Lilly." he says with his super annoying smirk most girls would swoon over.

The way he said my name gave me chills, then he called me Lilly! No one has ever called me Lilly.

I don't even know how I feel, almost a mix of sickness and happiness? like a butter fly growing in my stomach. 

I mumble, not wanting him to call me that "Lillian, actually."

I then retort "Why are you sitting with us?" Jenny gives me a 'be nice' stare.

"What do you mean." he says with a smirk.

"I mean, I tripped on you, you were super rude, you sat by me in english, annoyed me, now you sit by me and just ask for my real name!"

Before he even had time to answer I got up, and walked away. 


hey! I hoped you like the first chapter!!!!

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