{2} What are they doing here

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(Lillian's POV)

I wake up for, yet another, treacherous day of school. My hand feels around my nightstand for my glasses, and once I found them, I put them on.

I go into my closet and grab a white sweater with a Donald duck wearing some glasses, and some ripped denim jeans.

I go into my closet and grab a white sweater with a Donald duck wearing some glasses, and some ripped denim jeans

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I put them on my bed as I go into my bathroom and take a shower.

I come back out and put the clothes on, and put my hair in a messy bun.

I walk out my room and get greeted by Ace Aaron and a couple other guys from the football team, and I freeze. Normally my brother would already be at the school but he's in the kitchen making pancakes.

I mean pancakes are great but football players?


I look down and quickly scurry over to my brother

"Uhhh, what are they doing here?" I whisper.

"Oh, we made a bet yesterday that Ace couldn't do 2 miles in 8 minutes, and he did, so I have to make them pancakes." he says.

Wow he's fast but that's aside from the point.

"Oh.. uh ok." I sit down hoping they wouldn't say anything to me.

"Hey Lilly." Ace says sitting down next to me.

Why did he just call me that again!

"It's Lillian, you know that." I say very annoyed.

"Cool, now more importantly, wanna go get some ice cream after school today?" Ace asks.

"What? No." I say, rolling my eyes.

Me and him hanging out? That's just crazy.



"Fine, you leave me no choice." He gets up and says to my brother "Hey coach, we should get some ice cream after practice today."

"Sounds cool. Hey you guys wanna get ice cream after practice?" he asks Chris and the other guy who was hanging out with them.

Sadly, and I mean very sadly my brother is friends with, like, the whole team because he's not 'old and weird' so, great.

He puts a pancake on a plate and Ace hands it to me. "Here ya go m'lady" he says. I start to blush a bit.



No blushing.

"Please never call me that again." I say before taking a bite of my pancake.

"Ok fine, Lilly."

"Lillian." I mumble.

I finish eating my pancake, get up, and head to the hallway.

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