{39} It's poi

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(Lillian's POV)

We drove to a place, it is only a couple miles away, as soon as we go to luau I see a bunch of dancers, fire dancers, people weaving baskets, some of them are telling stories, and A LOT of food

Ace takes me hand and we go to the weaving station "come on, let's make a basket." he laughs a little and sits on a blanket

The woman teaching everyone seemed to be about 29insh, and she was beautiful. I loved her hair.

"You're really pretty." I blurt out as I weave a basket

"Aww you're so sweet!" she smiles

I felt someone crawling in between me and Ace, it was Anne, the woman says "you guys are such an adorable family."

I laugh a little realizing that we looked like a family since we were matching "oh no, this is just my boyfriend and his little sister." I tell her

"Oh sorry." she says

"It's alright!" Ace says to her then kisses my forehead

After we make baskets the woman hands me 2 flowers "here, put it on your left ear, and put that one on her right." she instructs, I put the flower on my left ear "that means you're in a relationship." she tells me

I place the flower in Anne's right ear and she giggles "I like the flower." she informs me with a smile

After a couple minutes, Ace takes my hand and says, "come on, we have to get food before the show." Ace smiles and we walk over to the huge line full of food, 2 people hand us plates, I see Ace bow a little and they put an orchid lei on him.

I bow too and they put a lei on me too, I keep walking and basically just get the exact same thing as Ace, he grabs something that looks like purple bread "hey what's that?" I ask him

He puts one on my plate "you'll like it." he laughs a little and then we walk to a table with the rest of his family and there looks to be something like brown pudding in the middle of the table

Ace looks to Mary and they both laugh a little, what's going on?

Ace takes it and says "oh Lilly, you've gotta try this." he smiles and i look at it

"Wait, what is it?" i ask

"It's poi." he answers

I take my spoon and try a little bit of it, it's not the best thing ever, if I was being nice... it's really bland, it tastes kinda like you'd think cardboard tastes like.. But with a weird aftertaste

"Umm.. it's... interesting."

All of Ace's family laughs, Sarah says "we all had to go through that, my parents did it to me Mary and Matthew. then we did to Ace then Anne, and now you."

I hold up the roll of purple bread "is this a trick too then?" I ask

"No it's actually really good." he says taking a bite of his "it's called taro bread."

I take a bite of mine "yeah you're right! It's amazing?"

The show starts and I see all the fire dancers "oh my god! Ace! They are so good!"

"Yeah I know." he laughs a little "I could easily do that."

"Yeah sure." I say sarcastically and take a bite of my food as I laugh

By the way, did you know Hawaii has the best roasted pig, like ever! seriously it's amazing!

After we eat we all walked down to the beach, Ace laid a blanket down on the sand and sat on it "lilly, come here." he smiled and I walked over to him

"What?" I ask laying my head on his chest, we looked up at the sky and saw tons of stars, it was beautiful

"Wow, the sky is really beautiful."

"Yeah, you are too!" Ace says with a light chuckle, he kisses my forehead, a little after I see fireworks

"Oh my gosh Ace! Look at them" I say pointing to the fire works

"Yeah they're really cool, a cruise ship probably lit them." Ace says taking a picture of them.

Wow, I'm really lucky to be here, in Hawaii, with a boyfriend, watching fireworks.

"Hey Lillian." Ace says, I look over to him "look what I found at the gift shop." he holds up a charm with a palm tree

"Oh my gosh!" I look at the charm "it's so pretty." I put it on the bracelet

"To remember our first trip together."

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