{11} Wait, disneyland

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(Ace's POV)

"Ok man, I just need to ask Coach Anderson if he'll let us go tomorrow." I tell chris

"The girls are gonna freak once they find out we're all going to disneyla-" I quickly cut him off because I don't want them to hear us

"Shh man." I say

Ok, yeah we're all going to disneyland.

We come back to Jenny and Lilly, I tell them "hey, girls, you two should have a sleepover, for no reason."

Ok that sounded kinda suspicious but i hope they don't figure it out

"At Lilly's house." Chris quickly adds

I say to him "I can only call her Lilly, it's Lillian to you." Chris rolls his eyes

"Ok, Lillian." chris corrects himself

Jenny looks at Lilly "uhh.. Why not, I guess."

"Ok, lets go the-" lillian says before I cut off

"I'll drive you." I say

"Oooook then." Lilly says and we start walking to my car

I open the door next to me for Lilly and chris gets in the back with jenny

"Yo, come on man I always get shotgun!" chris says

"That's before I had the best girlfriend in the world." I say getting in the driver's seat and jenny awes

"You two are already the cutest like ever!" jenny coos which makes Lilly blush

"How about us?" chris says laughing

"We're a close second." Jenny says which makes us all laugh. I feel lillian's hand move over mine and I hold it as I drive

We continue to talk as we drive to Lilly's apartment and we all get out and walk up to the apartment

Lilly opens the door and I say to Lilly "I need to ask your brother.. About a play, I'll uhh be right back."

I walked up to her brother and whispered "hey coach anderson, me and chris wanted to take Jenny and Lilly to disneyland tomorrow but i wanted to ask if that was ok with you." I say nervously to him

He looks kind of impressed with me. "Wait, disneyland?" he says

I nod my head "is that ok?"

He says "yeah, that's perfectly fine, I'm just surprised you all are going to disneyland."

I smile "thanks coach."

Me and chris head out

(Lillian's POV)

I go into my room with Jenny and I put a t-shirt and some short pj pants on.

Jenny asks once we've changed "I wonder why they wanted us to have a sleepover." Jenny says sitting on my bed

"They probably want to prank us somehow." i say with a giggle

I take the bracelet and put it on "I can't believe he really did that though." I say looking at the charms again

"Yeah, I know, I know, c'mon let's go watch a movie." she says lifting my arm and I decide to put his jacket on

As I walk out Brandon says "wait, that's Ace's jacket, oh and nice bracelet when did you get it?"

I smile and blush "well.. Ace gave me his jacket." I hold up my wrist "and this charm bracelet."

Jenny quickly adds "it's real gold!"

My brother looks surprised "wait what! He actually gave you real gold?"

I blush a bit brighter and look down "yeah" I mumble "let's go watch our movie." I tell jen so i can end the conversation

I walk into the kitchen and pop a bag of lightly buttered popcorn then we go into the family room and we both sit down

"So what movie should we watch?" I ask jenny

"How about.. Titanic?" Jenny replies with a huge smile "Please" she begs

Yeah, ok, she loves the titanic, and we've watched it 138 times "ugh! Again? Can we watch literally anything else?" I say back

"Ugh, like what?" jenny says as she slumps on the couch

"How about, hmm.. Oh how about the avengers." I say with a little smile, I really like marvel movies, but avengers is definitely the best

"Fine, you're lucky I'm too lazy to argue now." she says laying on the couch as I put the avengers on and we watch the movie


"Ok, goodnight." I tell Jen after the movie, we decide to just sleep on the couch as it was more than enough space

we were both covered in a few blankets and I have Ace's jacket around me

What? It was really soft and sorta smelt like him

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