{42} Powderpuff

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(Lillian POV)

"Hey babe!" Ace says holding my favorite smoothie... I'm suspicious.

"Hey Ace... whats the smoothie for?" I ask him as I'm about to take it out his hand

"No, no, no." he says, holding the smoothie too high for me to reach "I need you to do a favor for me."

"Ace!" I pout

He laughs a little "so... I need you to join the powerpuff league.. You only have one game.. And its flag footba-"

"I know what powderpuff is... and there is no way I'm doing it." I say crossing my arms

"Please babe?" he says with puppy eyes


"The football players have to be cheerleaders... we're gonna have pom poms and everything." he says with a smirk

"Ugh fine.. But I'm only doing it to watch you dancing in pom poms I say finally getting my smoothie


I put on a Blue jersey, it was sorta cool how we all got jerseys, even though they weren't real football jerseys. I actually have #1 which is Ace's number.

I walk out from the locker room and immediately see the entire football team in cheer uniforms

I started dying laughing, putting my hands over my mouth and I felt like I was about to fall "OH MY GOD!"

"Whats up babe?" Ace says walking over to me, he's literally wearing a 2 piece cheer uniform with a bow in his head

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"Whats up babe?" Ace says walking over to me, he's literally wearing a 2 piece cheer uniform with a bow in his head.. This was definitely worth it.

"Umm.. you look."

"Fabulous?" Ace says laughing a little and flipping the hair that he doesn't have

"Sure... let's go with that." I say shaking my head

"Ok babe, the Ravens are our enemies, we beat them in regionals before states... so now you need to scare the makeup off those girls." he laughs and goes through his bag, he takes up some eye black and puts it on my face "perfect."

"I hate you."

"Love you too." he shouts as I walk onto the field with the rest of the girls

We lined up and saw all the raven girls, one of them walked up to me "so.. That your boyfriend." she looks over at Ace

"Yeah.. why?"

"I was just wondering.. I mean he's never been much of a relationship guy... I'd make sure he's not playing you if I were you." she says and flips her hair

Yeah.. like I was gonna believe her "ok honey, I suggest you stay on your side of line.. Believe me.. We're gonna be there for a lot of the game."

Jenny comes up to me and says "wow Lillian, you went there." she says laughing a little

I shrug "I guess the game gave me a little confidence."

The game starts and I get the ball, I look around and throw it to a girl, she runs away from the ball.. Note to self.. Don't throw it to her.

This time when I get the ball I realize everyone has a person on them, I look at ace and he does a running motion with his hand, so I start to run with the ball making it just 2 yards from the endzone

I hear Ace cheer "L-I-L-L-Y go lilly! Go! Go lilly!"

I laugh and shake my head ay him, he just smiles at me, this is definitely a lot more fun than I thought

At half time we got off the fields and the football team 'cheerleaders' went on, they played some music and just started doing backflips and cartwheels shouting 'go lafayette eagles'

We end up winning the game and Ace runs up to me "lets go babe! You did it!" he laughs a little and I smile

"Can i get ice cream?" I ask him

"Ugh fine, only because you won." he says taking my hand, he looks over to his friends "I'm heading out." he says before we go out, we go into his car and we drive to the ice cream shop

"So I'm guessing you want mint chocolate chip ice cream, right Lilly?" Ace asks opening my door

"How'd ya know?" I say jokingly

"Well.. we've gotten ice cream like 200 times and you've asked for mint chocolate chip every time." he laughs and gets the door for me.

He goes up and asks for our ice cream then gives it to me, we sit down then I start to eat it "so one of those girls were giving you the stink eye that whole game, spill." he laughs a little

"Well.. she was saying you would cheat on me.. Then I told her to stay on her side of the field, cause we were gonna be there most of the game."

"Wow lilly that is golden." he laughs 

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