{12} You can take a chance

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(Lillian's POV)

I wake up to a little shake and a kiss on the forehead

Wait, who is this, I can't be my brother or jenny

I open my eyes to see Ace, he smirks "good morning Lilly."

I rub my eyes "is it even morning yet." I could feel how early it was plus the sun was barely shining through the window

"THEY ARE TAKING US TO DISNEYLAND!" jenny shouts out of the blue

Ok, so little known fact about me. I've never been to Disneyland, I smile "wait, what!"

The word disneyland woke me up and Ace smiles "surprise!" he says with a laugh

Jenny grabs my arm "come on, lets go change! We need to leave!"

She pulls me up and just before getting dragged in I say "morning ace!"

She plops me on the bed and says 'ok, so here's the deal, you're looking cute, no if's or but's." she scrummages through my closet

"But!" I whine

"No buts!" she says dragging out a pastel yellow cropped halter top with some high waisted white ripped shorts "ok, now with that." she says to herself grabbing some white tennis shoes

"and, perfect." she places a necklace with a little white pearl on it, she hands me the outfit ""put this on."

"Ugh, ok fine." I go into my bathroom to take a shower then I put the clothes on, I come out and Jenny smiles "mk, perfect." she says placing me on the bed "yay now hair."

Jenny giving me a makeover is like a toddler getting a lollipop

She puts my hair in a couple of styles before finally choosing to just leave it down then she grabs

The creator of all evil

The makeup bag

.....A little to over dramatic

Eh maybe

"Ok, just a tiny, like literally lip gloss and mascara, promise." she says with a little smile

"Ok, fine I'm gonna trust you." she steps forward and adds a light pink glossy lip gloss and puts some mascara on and a touch of blush

"See, barely nothing at all." jenny says before we walk out

"Barely anything." I correct

We walk out and Ace puts his arm around my shoulder "you look perfect Lilly."

I blush "thanks Ace."

Chris gives Jenny a kiss on the forehead "you look amazing babe."

Jenny smiles "you too babe."

I giggle a little bit before all 4 of us walk out, we get to Chris's car and Jenny sits next to him so me and Ace sit in the back.

" Ace I'm tired." I whine just about 5 minutes in

"Ok, come here Lilly." he says opening his arm up

I lay across his body and lay my head up on his shoulder, I put my arms around his neck as he puts his around my back and lays his head on top of mine

I fall asleep for the 1 and a half hour ride like this

Ace softly moves me off of him when we get to disneyland "ok sleeping beauty we're here." he smirks

I look up at him and blush a little before getting out the car, we walk through the parking lot and get to the ticket checking place,Ace Gives the woman at the counter 4 tickets and she passes us all through and we get to disneyland, we are immediately greeted by the pink and blue castle and I immediately see a gift shop "oh my god! Can we get mouse ears!" I say laughing and jenny runs up to the shop

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