{4} I want to help you

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(Lillian's POV)

I wake up and contemplate if I should get out of bed for 2 minutes. Then I finally decide it's time to go to school.

I take a shower and brush through my hair a bit before deciding to just throw it in a ponytail for the day. I grab a forest green long sleeve shirt and some ripped black jeans. I put my sweatshirt on and my glasses and I went downstairs.

I made a bagel, then got my backpack, phone, and earbuds. I headed out the door and walked to school. I head into the school building, get my stares, then put my bag in my locker.

I take out my binder and head to the first class of the day. I get there early meaning I get to take my favorite seat, which of course is the seat in the corner next to the window.


Now is my least favorite class, PE. I go into the girl's locker room and put the blue gym uniform on. It has my name on the front right under the school's name.

I go to the gym and we start running a few laps and stuff, then finally, the torture of physical work is over.

I go into the locker room and change back into my normal clothes then head to my next class before lunch. I always sit with my bestie, Jenny. We both sit down, across from each other. I say to her "Why are you my friend again?"

"Because you're sweet! You know this!" she says eating her lunch and giggling. I know its a dumb question but sometimes I do wonder.

"Plus, you help me with my homework for free." she continues while we both laugh at what she said.

"I knew there was an alternative motive here," I say in a jokingly angry way and we laugh again. I start eating my lunch as well.


After school, there was a football scrimmage and my brother made me go.

I sat on a bench before all the football players got there since my brother was talking with the referees about some rules or something. I hear the football team. I quickly try to go up the bleachers and I get stopped by a voice.

"Wait, stop!"

I turn around to see Ace.

"Wanna go out with me after this?" Ace says, again with his smirk.

"Why would I want to go out with a jerk like you?" I retort and roll my eyes, before walking up the bleachers.

I read my book during the entire scrimmage, looking up just a couple of times. I finish the book before the end of the game so I end up watching the rest of it. I understand the basics of football since my brother watches it all the time, so I knew the plays and whatnot. We were winning 56 to 18, so they were doing well.

At the end of the scrimmage I walked down the bleachers and I saw Ace.

"Hey Lilly!" he says, with his annoyingly perfect smile.

"It's Lillian." I say almost in a grumble.

"Ok, sure.. wanna hang out? You know we just won." he says, looking down at me with a smirk on his face.

"I will not go out with you, do you not understand?" I roll my eyes and walk past him to my brother.

"But-" He tries to continue but I just walk away, not wanting to waste more of my time talking to him, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't even want to hang out. Probably gonna try and get me to do something embarrassing.

"Bran-" I start. He was talking to a few of his players, and I didn't want to cut them off so I sat on a bench waiting for him to finish.

A few of the cheer girls and football players, I assume, that are going to a party say to me, "Did your dad come to the scrimmage? Oh wait, of course he didn't, he left you!" They laugh as I run off crying. I wish I could have just gone into the car, but Brandon locked it so I sat down leaning on the side, curled up in a ball.

"Lillian? Lilly!" I hear Ace come, looking for me, and I don't respond. He keeps looking until he sees me next to my brother's car. He didn't know what had happened to my parents, only what people told him.

I knew in all the stories they would say, 'Her dad knew she would be a decrease.' and 'Her mom committed suicide after seeing how much of a failure she is'. Now, I never met my dad, but for my mom, the doctors say she got in a car accident from drunk driving. My mom was pretty much always drunk, making me hate the smell of alcohol because she always yelled when she was drunk.

"Lilly!" He says once he saw me by the car, he saw me crying. He probably knew I got upset about what they say but I don't think he knew I would cry.

"A-are you ok?" he asks, sitting next to me and wiping away my tears.

"Yeah, can you just go back to your friends?" I say, pushing his hand away, and turning my head so he can't look at my face. I mumble "And it's Lillian."

"I didn't know this hurt you so much." he says and moves my face to be towards his and looks me in the eyes.

"Oh, so you didn't know having books being thrown at you while you walk through the halls doesn't hurt? Your head pushed into the water fountains! Not being able to walk through the halls without someone calling you a nerd, freak, or weirdo! Being bullied because your father left you, and mom died! Yeah, the real stuff, and the list goes on. I have only 2 people in my life, my brother and my friend." I stormed off on him. Then I looked down and mumbled, "Nevermind, you have a perfect life, don't worry about mine."

(Ace's POV)

She lists everything they do to her, and each time I hear it my heart beats a bit more for her. I can't believe this all happens to her, I feel so bad. I was part of the reason she cries, me. I hurt her and I need to make it right.

"Y-yeah, your right, I'd never understand. But I can still help, I can be by your side." I look at her with a smile.

"How would you be able to do that?" She asks in a blunt way, looking at me this time with an annoyed look on her face.

"I'm not sure, but I promise I'd do anything and everything I can to make them stop." I say with a warm smile and continue "So.. your brother won't be done for awhile, if you want I can drive you home." I smirk a little.

"Why would you drive me home?" She pauses. "Did the guys set you up again, 'make the freak tell you how she really feels then blow her off'?" She gets up and starts to walk away.

I jump up and grab her arm.

"Wait, no! I want to, I want to help you, I mean you don't need help, but I want to drive you home, so you can relax or do whatever it is you do, not like I care what you do, but like I do care about you, not like I care about you but-" Did I Ace Aaron just ramble? My god, what is happening to me?

"Uhh, fine I guess." She says and we walk to my car.

"Thanks..." she smiles, getting in the passenger seat. I close the door then jump over to the other side and sit in the driver's seat and start to drive out of the parking lot.

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