{6} Annabelle

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(Ace's POV)

We talked for about 45 minutes and I learned a few things about her. I just loved looking into her gorgeous brown eyes.

unlike the girls I'd normally hang out with she wears no makeup, like none, other than some chapstick or something which is really cute because she's even more beautiful than the stuck up cheerleaders who cake it on every day.

"Hey, wanna watch a movie while we wait for your brother?" I ask pointing to the TV across my bed

"I'd love too, you can pick." she says with a smile, we both lay back, and even though I probably shouldn't I pick a scary movie so she would cuddle with me when she gets scared.

But... I'm still gonna, so sorry.

I put on Annabelle and quite soon she hides her face in my chest and I put my arm around her back and say with a calming voice "its ok, I'll protect you Lilly."

she blushes, just a little though, I knew she tried to hide it with her hair.

as the movie went on she fell asleep with her arms wrapping around my torso, I would wake her up when her brother said he was home, but he never did and I dozed off to sleep

(Lillian's POV)

I wake up one morning and squeeze a pillow

wait, pillows don't breathe

I look up and realize it's Ace Aaron! I fell asleep in Ace Aarond house! Oh my god I'm such an idiot! I turn around and look at his clock next to his bed and school starts in 45 minutes! I shake him

"Ace, wake up!" I say in a whisper yell

"oh.. hey Lilly!" he realizes I stayed the night

"I think my brother forgot to tell me he got home, I don't have enough time to go back to my apartment and grab some clothes.

he stretches and gets out of bed "here, you can wear this." he hands me a blue sweatshirt with a football and the school's name on it

I hesitantly take it and say "t-thanks, but I need some pants and stuff."

"uhh, kay I'll be right back." he leaves his room for a few minutes and comes back when some denim shorts and underwear

"where did you get that from?" I giggle looking at the undergarments and shorts

"I asked mary if you could have them, I hope it works." he says pointing to the room across from his

I take them, they do actually look like they could fit me, he continues "you can use my shower first, not that like you'd need to take a shower but, like if you want to, because like you don't smell bad but like if you wanted to, you can go first-" he pauses realizing he's just rambling and I blush a bit

"ok, thanks." He hands me a towel and points to the bathroom in his room and I step inside.

I put my clothes on the side of a counter before I go into the shower, I try to go as quickly as possible and get out putting the clothes on as well as my glasses,I walk out and find myself smelling the hood of Ace's sweatshirt he smirks as he sees me in his sweatshirt

"were you smelling my sweatshirt?" he asks with a smug look on his ho- nope, average face, just average.

"k-kinda." I say as a rosey blush climbs onto my face as well as an embarrassed smile, ok I was! it has a mix of cologne and his natural set on it and it's kinda really nice

UGH FOR THE LAST TIME, SHUT UP, you don't like him, you don't, you can't Lillian, no feelings at all!

"cool, cool, let me go take a shower, and we can head out." he grabs some clothes, a towel then goes into his bathroom

I head downstairs where I see Mary, she says "so, you two aren't dating huh?" she puts the milk into her bowl of cereal before sitting down at a kitchen island

"n-nope, why?" I ask looking at her

"Well, you're wearing his favorite sweatshirt, and I saw you two cuddling all night, I mean normally, his girls don't get to wear his sweatshirt." she says with a smile and a little laugh "and he nevers introduces the girl to us."

"I wasn't p-planning on staying the night since my brother was supposed to text me when he got back to our apartment because I didn't have my key, but I fell asleep since he forgot to." I say with a little shrug

she nods her head "oh and if you want some cereal I can make you some." she stands up and gets some fruit loops in a bowl then adds milk "here ya go." she comes back to me and hands me the bowl

"oh, thanks!" I start eating as Ace comes down and grabs a bowl of cereal as well, we all eat and then me and Ace get back in his car.


we get to school and Ace says "cya later Lilly!"

"It's Lillian!" I say as I get out the car, I was prepared for my regular 'eww her again' stares but this time I got the 'what did she just do' and the 'is she wearing his sweatshirt' stares.

I then realize I just got out of the Ace Aaron car, the freak nerd rides to school with the popular jock wearing his sweatshirt! god I can already tell this day will be torture.

I walk into school and a see a girl, she is wearing a cheer t shirt, but I've never seen her around, she must be a freshman

She walks up to me and smiles, I guess she might not be as evil as all the other cheerleaders, but you can never be to sure

"Hey lillian, how are you?" she asks with a smile

"I uhh.. P-pretty good." I mumble

"Nice.." she notices the book in my hand "oh you must have to read that book for dumb english class, I could find someone to do it for you." she says with a smile

"Oh, no.. uhh.. I actually.. J-just read for uhh for fun." I tell her

She starts laughing "oh my gosh, your hilarious! That must be why Ace likes you." she giggles

"Uhh.. w-well, I'm pretty sure he doesn't.. I mean I don't like him." I say nervously

"Oh please, we all saw you come out of his car.. And if you didn't notice you're wearing his sweatshirt." she smiles

"I uhh.. It's just a favor." I say

Her smile quickly turns evil "good, cause you better stay away from him, you're not even his type, such a loser." she smacks down my books

I don't say anything and just pick up my books


It is time for lunch break. Finally, the one time I can talk to jenny!

I sit down in the corner table with her across from me

"OH MY GOD! Lillian, you currently have Ace's sweatshirt on! Are you two like dating! Did Chris say anything about me?" she says smiling, yeah did I forget to mention she really likes Chris, I'm not sure why, but she does

"Well, I kinda, s-spent the night at his house yesterday and he let me borrow his sweatshirt." I say cautiously cause I knew Jenny would freak

"WHAT!" a voice says, but it doesn't come from Jenny, I turn around and see...

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