{30} Tomorrow

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(Ace's Pov)

Ah, today is Me and Lily's 6 month, I've never been in a relationship, let alone for 6 whole months

I am planning a date for me and Lilly, yesterday she was telling me she wanted to stay in for the day, so we're gonna go to my house and I'm gonna order us food, and then maybe just watch TV, or a movie or something.

Yes, we like to run around on the little playground equipment, don't judge.


Well Chris, and Jenny are already saying I love you, ever since they were dating for like 4 months, but I'm not sure if I should say it yet

I mean, what if Lilly doesn't say it back

What if she decides to break up with me, I mean Lilly is the most perfect girl in the world, I do love her, but...


What if she doesn't say it back?

Ok ok ok, I have to get out of my head

I'm just gonna say it, and hope for the best.

Ok, chill

I knock on Lilly's door "babe, it's me!" I say

I wait a little and Lilly walks out, she was wearing a scarlet color t-shirt, black leggings, and a gray cardigan, with her hair in a cute messy bun, and obviously her adorable glasses.

"Hey Ace." she says with a smile giving me a hug

"Hey Lilly." I give her a hug rubbing her back

"I'm so excited, I really can't believe we've been together for half a year already!"

"Yeah, we've gone through so much already." I say taking her hand as we walk to my car

"Oh, and I'm sorry again for not wanting to go out, I've just been feeling so lazy." she laughs a little as I open the door

"No, It's alright Lilly, we're just gonna chill at my house, it'll be fun!" i tell her as we start to drive

"Hmm alright then."

We get to my house and I let Lilly out and we go inside

"Oh can we watch a movie?" Lilly says jumping on the couch

It's so funny how she always asks to watch a movie, then falls asleep, I don't think I've ever seen her stay awake for a whole movie

"Fine, but you have to stay up this time."

"Ok, ok, I'll try." she giggles laying next to me

"So what do you wanna watch?" I ask her flipping through all the movies

"Hmmm, how about, oh how about The Great Gatsby?" she says

"Wait, but isn't that a book?" I say very confused

"Well yeah, but it's also a movie, I mean I've seen it like a billion times but still, we should watch it." she tells me

"Ok, but no spoilers." I put the movie on

"Alright, promise." she kisses my cheek

We watch the movie, and get this, she stays up the whole time, it was honestly pretty bad, but lillian loves it so I guess I'll watch it a million more times if she wants me to.

"Ok I'm starving!" Lilly says

"Ok, well since that movie is so long, all the stores are closed which means, we have to make something." I say walking into the kitchen

"Well, as you may know, I can't cook to save my life, so... what are YOU making." she says with a laugh

"Well, WE are making your favorite type of pasta, fettuccine alfredo!" I say picking her up and putting her on an island stool

"Ugh fine, but, I don't have to do the work right?"

"You know that's like the definition of we, right?" I say grabbing all the ingredients

"Ugh, but you know I'm bad at cooking." she pouts

"Fine, you can be the taste tester." I start cooking

As I'm in the middle, we were just talking as I made it

You know you're really cute when you're cooking." Lilly says randomly

"You're really cute no matter what you're doing." I say as I kiss her cheek

"Why are you so annoyingly cute." she says

"Huh, good question, you should ask my mom." I laugh a little


"Wait, Ace look at your phone." lillian says as we sat on my bed talking

"Uhh what?" I grab my phone and see an alert 'stay inside if you can, dangerously high winds'

I knew it was really stormy but I didn't know it was THAT bad

"How in the world am I gonna get home?" she says with a laugh

I shrug "I'm not sure, I guess you can ask your brother if you can stay the night or something"

"Oh ok, let me call him." she grabs her phone and calls him "hey Brandon... you know the winds are like dangerous and it's bad to go out.... Yeah... oh yeah that's exactly why I was gonna call you....mhm... ok got it... cya tomorrow."

She turns to me "he told me I should just stay here to make sure we don't get in an accident or something."

We lay back and I hold her as she falls asleep, I sleep a bit afterwards.... I'll just tell her I love you tomorrow

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