{21} Winnie the Pooh

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(Lillian's POV)

"So now I'm stuck with you all halloween." Jenny says as we sit on my bed

"Well.... actually, you won't be." I smile a little

Jenny looks at me very confusedly "huh? But you're literally my only friend,and Chris and Ace are hanging out so-"

Just then the doorbell rings "are they?" I smirk going into the living room and opening the door

"Uhh chris, what are we doing here?" Ace asks

"Well.. me and Lillian got a little idea here." he laughs a little "come on babe." chris says taking Jenny's hand

"So...." I plop down on the couch "I had an Idea." I giggle a little

"Oh no, what did you do?" he says sitting next to me

"Well.. you told me you've never painted on a pumpkin, and well.. You're gonna, so...." I grab 2 medium ish pumpkins "that's what we're gonna do... then I have a few more surprises."

"Hmm.. fun!" he gets up and we walk to the table

"Ok let me grab some paint!" I smile and go into my room, I open a box and grab some acrylic paint, paint brushes and a tablecloth, I walk back out and lay the table cloth on the table along with all the paints and paintbrushes

"So what do we do?" he asks grabbing a paint brush and a pumpkin

"Well first we need to decide what we're gonna paint." I tell him thinking about what we should do

"Hmm.. what about.... A cat?" he says

"Ohh.. how about those monsters!" I say

"Uhh what monsters?"

"The- the ones in the disney movie, with the pig, and the school and the-tha hat!"

"Lilly what do you mean?"

"The-the green and the blue, and the little girl and the scare bottles and the university and the ink and the dragon lady!"


"What is it called?"

"The... the monsters inc!"


"God we are idiots!" he says spinning me around in a hug

"Mhm!" I say laughing

"Ok I call dibs on the blue and purple one!" he says, grabbing some blue paint and a pallette.

"Ok then I get mike wazowski!"I say laughing

We start painting and after about an hour I step back looking at both our pumpkins next to each other "god yours is hideous!" I say laughing

"It is not!" he pauses "ok.. Maybe it is."

I laughed a little and looked up at him "well did you atleast have some fun?" I ask with a smile

"Yeah.. but next year, your gonna carve a pumpkin for the first time." he says with a little smirk

"Oh there's next year huh?" I giggle a little

"Hmm, you never know."

Ace gets a phone call and he answers "what do you need.... But I'm with lilly... why can't you.... That's why we have 2 other sisters... but I'm already out... you're literally the worst..." he hangs up the phone and looks back at me "it was matthew."


"Apparently Sarah and Mary are gonna leave in like 3 minutes and matthew wants to go to a college party and my parents are at a halloween fundraiser, and now I need to watch anne." he tells me

"Maybe.. I could come, I mean I sorta kinda thought incase that happened I have a tiny bit of a plan." I giggle

"You just think of everything don't you."

"Yeah let me grab my bag of secrets then lets go." I laugh a little

I go into my room and grab a bag then me and ace walk out, we go to his house and I see anne standing right in front of the door

"Lillian! Ace!" she smiles and gives us a huge hug

"Hey Anne." Ace says picking her up "so. apparently lilly had some big plan of what we're gonna do tonight." he looks at me

"Well i have 3 bags full of candy and 3 winnie the pooh onesies, and a couple movie ideas." I giggle

Ace smirks "winnie the pooh?"

"Yes, winnie the pooh." I hand him a onesie and one for Anne too "Ok munchkins get ready!" I say laughing

We all change into our onesies and I pick Anne up "so what's your favorite movie?" ask placing her down on the couch

"Beauty and the beast!" she says smiling "bonjour bonjour bonjour bonjour bonjour, there goes the baker with his tray like always!" she starts singing

I giggle and Ace puts beauty and the beast in the tv, I lay my head on Ace's shoulder as Anne lays across our laps as we watch the movie, she sings every word of it.

At the end of the movie she was already asleep and ace carried her upstairs to her room, I walked in with him and it was truly a kids dream in their, she had a mini castle, a bunch of dollhouses and unicorn plushies.

When Ace puts her in the bed he tucks her in and then we go back downstairs

"You want some dinner lilly?" he asks going into the kitchen

"Mm sure!" I smile sitting on the couch again, he grabs some pizza and a huge bowl, he empties the candy in it and hands me a slice of pizza

He turns on IT and I look at him "you know I hate scary movies."

"Yeah, but it's halloween so." he pops a piece of candy in his mouth

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