{20} Macaroni

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(lillian's POV)

I grumble wake up, I am not excited for school today, I spent all weekend crying, I haven't even been able to think about anything other than him

I get out of bed putting my glasses on, their kinda foggy but i'm not even gonna wipe them then I put on a gray sweatshirt and gray sweatpants, cause I can't even bother to put something relatively nice

I walk into the kitchen and get a granola bar and apple, I eat it as I get my stuff and walk out

Normally Ace would have picked me up, but obviously, I'm not gonna ride in the same car as that cheater

I put the airpods on.. Well.. Ace gave me, and I listen to music as I walk to school.

When I got there I piled my books into my locker and saw Ace walk in, he was wearing sweatpants and a wrinkled t-shirt, he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess, why does he look like she just got heart broken.. He was the one who cheated on me!

I walk past him to get to class and he tries to say something ""lilly, jus-"

"My name is lillian and I don't want to hear it, why don't you just go back to your stupid girlfriend and forget we ever met." I say angrily

"Lilly.. Just please, I-I didn't kiss her.." he starts "she forced it."

"How? Your arms were around her." I ask avoiding eye contact with him

"I was trying to push her off." I says lifting my chin softly

"Oh.." I mumble "I-im sorry." I say slightly embarrassed

I feel like an idiot, I was ignoring him for no reason, he didn't do anything wrong yet a blamed him for everything

"It's alright, here." He puts his arms around me "It's not your fault, I would have done the same thing... probably even more," he laughs a tiny bit and squeezes me

I nuzzle my head into his chest, I guess I really missed being in his arms

"Hey, after school, I have a surprise, just go to the football field." he smiles a little and pulls away then goes to class

"Kay!" I smile a little

Jenny runs up to me "what was that! What happened" she says very confused

"Well.. it wasn't his fault about lexi.." I tell her then realize class starts in a minute "oh, we need to get to class!"


I walk out to the field, the football players didn't have practice today so there was no one here, I see Ace on the field and he walks up to me "ok, close your eyes" he tells me

"Umm.. alright." I close my eyes and he takes my hand

"Just follow me." he starts walking and I follow him unsure of where we're going

"what are you doing." I ask curiously

"You'll know in.. 3.. 2..1" he pauses "open your eyes."

I slowly open my eyes and see a beautiful little picnic, it had a cute little basket, and it's right under a tree

Ace opens the basket and it literally has every type of macaroni you could think of, he sits down on the blanket and says "well Ms. Lilly, we have macaroni and cheese, macaroni salad, macaroni tuna." he pauses "uhh, i think those are the only types of macaroni, I looked it up, and I couldn't find any deserts so.. Macaroons!" he says holding up some macaroons

I laugh and sit next to him "wait so did you make this all?" I ask looking at him

"Well... I may or may not have been cooking all weekend cause it was the only thing to get my mind off you." I chuckles a little and feeds me a macaroon

"Mmm it's really good." I say eating the macaroon I lay my head on his shoulder

"I have an idea." Ace says with a smirk

"Wow I haven't seen that smirk in a while... What are you planning?" I ask turning my head to him

He opens the basket and takes out a plastic knife then turns to the tree "I think I know what you're planning." I say with a little giggle

"Ok.. lets just." he starts carving a L + A into the tree "and then the heart." he says as he scratches a heart around it "perfect!"

I smile and have some of the mac and cheese "wow ace! I was not aware of you being this good at cooking!" I say surprised looking at him

"So you like it?" he asks with a smile eating some of the mac and cheese too.

"Yup! It's delish!" I tell him

"Oh, so would you like some of this too?" he says taking a cracker and putting some macaroni and tuna on it then placing it in my month

"Mhm! It's yummy!" I tell him laughing "here, you try!" I fling a little of it on his cheek

"God I hate you so much." he takes a napkin and wipes it off

I roll my eyes jokingly "oh sure." I say laughing

"Hmm.. I guess I don't." he says, giving me a kiss 

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