{29} Definitely no

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(Lillian's POV)

Today Nicole and Brandon invited a bunch of Nicole's family over for dinner. I don't know why, but they told me to wear something nice.

I went into my closet and put on a blue floral off the shoulder shirt, and some jeans

I walk out and see Brandon and Nicole, they look even happier than normal, and we're talking about a couple who've been married for 2 months, so they look REALLY happy.

"Hey Lils! Hey, so we're leaving in an hour and a half, so, if you want you can invite Ace." Nicole says with a smile

"Oh alright!" I smile and call Ace, I invite him, and obviously he agrees cause he's the best.

We all go to the restaurant and take our seats, I sit next to Ace, and one of Nicole's brothers, Nicole has a couple brothers and they're all pretty nice.

Ace looks at him "yo, whats up?"

Nicole's brother, who is 20 I think, his name is Andre, he's pretty nice, and he's an artist.

"Oh sup, I'm good, I'm Andre, you are?" Andre asks

"Ace, I'm her boyfriend." he kisses the top of my head

"Ha, I remember when she was 13 and told me she was never gonna get a boyfriend, why did you lie to me?" Andre says

"Cause I met him." I smile a little

"So how long have you guys been together a year? Year and a half?"

I laugh a little "well actually like almost 6 months." I say

"Yeah, in 2 weeks and 3 days." Ace specifies

"Do you just keep count." I laugh some more

"Maybe I do, Maybe I don't." Ace says with a light chuckle


Ok, I literally just had the best steak in my WHOLE life, Whatever Nicole and Brandon are doing, they need to do it more often, cause this food is the best!

"Ok, so you all are probably wondering why, like, we're eating dinner at this place very randomly well.." Brandon starts

"Well.. I'm pregnant!" Nicole says with a huge smile

We all look at her

"Oh my gosh Nicole!" I say

Everyone cheers and congratulates them

"And, we were already thinking.. And we want Lillian to be the godmother, and Marcus to be the godfather."

Marcus is Nicole's twin brother, she has 2 brothers, Andre and obviously Marcus.

"Wait so am I technically an uncle now?" Ace says with a smirk

"Not really." I tell him with a little laugh

"Wait so how long have you been pregnant." Nicole's mom asks her

"3 weeks." she says

"Oh what are you gonna name it Andre, or if it's a girl andrea!" Andre says with a laugh

"As much as I love your name, definitely not." Nicole says with a little laugh

"Maybe Alice." brandon tells everyone

"Aww that's so cute!" i tell him

Wow, I can't believe I just had a great dinner, AND i'm gonna be an aunt



Me and Ace's 6 month anniversary is soon!

Ooh this is great!

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