{9} Not as much of a jerk as I thought

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(Lillian's POV)

I wake up from my sleep and hit my alarm clock, weekend! finally! I take a shower and put a white T-shirt under my brother's sweatshirt and some leggings, I put my glasses on and throw my hair in a ponytail before I walk downstairs

"Hey bro, good morning!" I say as I make myself a bowl on cereal. I sit down and eat my food, I hear a knock at the door and open it then get attacked with a huge bone-crushing hug

"HOW WAS YOUR DATE? did he ask you to be his girlfriend, did you guys kiss, was it fun, do you like him?" Jenny showers me with questions

I slip out her hug "My god! jenny it's too early for this!" I say walking back to eat my cereal

Jenny sits next to me "well, how was it?"

I blush a bit as I answer "Well, we went to the carnival, and we rode roller coasters, and played some games, and we took a few photos in the photo booth, and we went on a ferris wheel and got chipotle."

jenny smiles "oh my gosh, that's so adorable! you two would be the cutest cou-" I cut her off

"WE ARE NOT A COUPLE! we never will be! It was just a thanks for not being as much of a jerk as I thought." I say annoyed and finish eating my breakfast

"Lillian, you can't deny your feelings forever." I put my bowl away and look back at jenny

"Jenny! dear god, I have no feelings towards him! I can't, I won't!" I go into my room and jenny follows behind me

(Ace's POV)

I had just gotten back from the most magical date ever, I knock at the door and my whole family opens it, ok, this is the only girl my family has met so they are all of a sudden in love with the idea of us

"Ace! how did it go, did you trick her into falling in love with you?" my brother Matthew says

"Nah, It was just us hanging out, I'm pretty sure she doesn't even want to date me.." I sigh walking through everyone and walk up to my room when I hear a knock, I knew this knock was from Anne and I said "come in."

She climbs into my bed and says "why doesn't the girl like you? You're really nice and funny and sweet."

I stop her "well, a few of my teammates, uhh.. Told me to say mean things to her before, and It didn't really make her happy, but I stopped and I really want to show her I'm not like that." I say with a small sigh

"Oh, well maybe you have to prove it to her with a grand gesture, that's what they do in the movies."

I laugh a little bit and lay her on my bed next to me "yeah, what are you thinking?"

This thinks "hmmm.. During your football game, at halftime, stop the marching band and everyone, then write a speech and tell it to her, then call her up in front of everyone and ask her to be your girlfriend!" she giggles a little and she smiles

Wow, Anne really thought that through "wait, Anne, you're a little genius!" I hug her and she giggles

"I know, I know!" she says with a grin on her face

"goodnight Acey!" she wraps her arms around me in another huge hug before leaving my room and going back to hers I grab a piece of paper and try to start writing

"hello everyone" I erase "greetings" I erase again

Dear god! How am I supposed to write this speech?

I continue writing for the next hour or so then I finally write the perfect speech "Ok, finally, I really hope Lilly likes it, Hopefully enough to agree to be my girlfriend." I put the piece of paper down then go to sleep

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