{28} Look forward to that

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(Lillian's POV)

I wake up, January 19, my least favorite day of the year... cause it's my mom's birthday today

I put on my glasses while I find something to wear, I put on a yellow T-shirt with a little planet on the side of it, then I grab some leggings and throw my hair and a ponytail.

I walk out and see my brother made a huge breakfast, looks like he remembered her birthday, and now he's trying to make me forget about it with food.

I just grab a pancake and eat it, after I get breakfast I put on my shoes and walk out, my mom's birthday is always one of the hardest days, and now I have school on it, so that's aut to be fun

I see Ace and get into his car and we go to school

Right before we walk out Ace looks at me "hey, lilly, is there something bothering you?"

I guess I never told him what today was

"Well.. today, is uhhh my moms birthday." I tell him

"Oh, well, it's gonna be alright lilly." he gives me a hug and kisses my forehead, he runs his hand how my hair a little before pulling away

"Thanks Ace." I smile

Yeah he is sorta the best boyfriend on planet earth

I go to class and sit down, I really didn't know why, but today was a lot harder than normal

I just really wanted to cry right now

I try to keep it all in me as the teacher gave us our instructions, as I started reading I just couldn't help myself and I felt the tears stream down my face, i hid my face in my arms and I felt arms around my back, and a head on my shoulder, and I could tell it was Ace

"Shh, shh, shh, lilly, it's all alright it's ok babe." he kisses my cheek

"Thanks Ace." I mumble as I wiped away my tears

"I'm gonna go to your apartment after school today, just.. Look forward to that, and just tell me if you need anything." he tells me with a little smile

"Ace Aaron, Lillian Anderson, quiet." the teacher said, I saw Ace walk up to the teacher, and says something to her, the teacher nodded her head and called me up

"Sorry, i had no clue today was a hard day for you, you're such a good student in my class, if you need to take a little time it's alright." she says

I guess Ace told her why I was crying getting us out of trouble

"Thanks." I mumble


I finish school up and grab all my stuff out my locker, Jenny was out of town with her family so I couldn't even talk to her, but at least I have Ace

I get a text and look at my phone


Hey Lillian

I almost forget what today was for you

how have you been



English was hard

I started to cry


Aww babe

I'm so sorry

I wish I was there to help


Ace did help me

He's gonna hang out with me today



That's so nice!

Can't wait to see you on mon tho



Only 1 weekend!

See! Jenny is soooo sweet!

I go home and lay in my bed, until I hear a doorbell which is most likely Ace, I get out and open the door

"Hey Ace."

"hey lilly, I was thinking we could just watch some movies, might help you feel better." he smiles

"Alright!" I smile and let him in, seriously is he not amazing?

We lay on the sofa and I put on a movie, Ace pops some popcorn and then sits next to me

We lay down on the sofa as we watch the movie eating candy and popcorn, after about half way through the movie movie I fall asleep


After a little while a wake up and look at my phone, it was 11:47

Wow, I didn't know I could nap for 6 ½ straight hours

I looks like Ace was still awake at the credits for a movie

"Look who woke up." Ace laughs a little bit

"Wait, who?" I say sarcastically

"You!" he says laughing a bit more

"How many movies did you watch?" I ask turning to face Ace

"Just like 3." he said

"You really didn't have to stay this long, there must have been a million things you would have rather wanted to do."

"Meh, being with you is on top of my list any day." 

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