{8} It was

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(Lillian's POV)

"yeah Lillian! you look like a total boss!" I hear a knock at my door and before I can open it Brandon gets to it

"ok Aaron, your a good kid on the field, now if you hurt my baby sister's heart you might not be able to walk on that field again." he says with his intimidating stare which just makes me laugh as I walk out

"yes si-" Ace trembles out his words when I come down making me blush as I come forward to them both

"Lilly, you look amazing, but like you always look amazing, so like extra amazing." He smiles and I take his hand.

"oh, and be home by 9:30!" Brandon shouts as we walk down the hall to his car.

"and it's Lillian." I say with a giggle

"we both know I'm not gonna stop calling you Lilly." he says with a little smirk and we go towards the elevator

"by the way your brother scares me." Ace says as we get into the elevator

"don't worry, he's not like, THAT scary." I giggle a bit and we reach his car, Ace opens the passenger seat for me and I get in.

"so... Where are we gonna go." I ask Ace as we get into his car

He opens my door for me and I smile. He says getting into the driver seat "it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."

I sigh "ok, fine."

I hold one of his hands as he drives and he steers with the other, we listen to music as he drives and I see a ferris wheel and realize he is taking me to the Carnival! I look at him and ask, "Are we going to the carnival?"

He nods his head "have you ever been?"

I shake my head no "Nope, I always wanted to though."

He smirks to himself and he pulls in a parking lot and we head into the parking lot, he buys us a bunch of tickets and he says "Everything i win I'm gonna give to you."

I smile and say "not if I beat you though."

we go to a few of the booths and he tries the ring bottle game and on his first try he loses so I try and I lose as well so he tries again and makes it, then I get a little panda stuffed animal. Ace asks "so, what's your favorite animal?"

I think for a second "umm, koala!"

He smiles and see's a basketball hoop game and a koala stuffed animal, "come on lets go over here!"

I take his hand and we play the basketball game which again he beats me in and hands me the koala and looks at it and smiles "thanks Ace."

He smiles seeing me so happy to have a koala stuffed animal and he sees a picture booth "should we go take some pictures?"

I see the both and nod my head. We go into the booth and they let us take 6 pictures, we do a bunch of random poses and then see the pictures. I say "ooh, can I have them."

Ace smiles "yeah, sure!"

Ace asks me "what's your favorite season?"

We walk around as I answer "I can't pick, I love them all."

He laughs a bit "nice, nice."

I say 'well how about you?"

He says "spring."

I notice some popcorn and say "can I get some popcorn?"

He nods his head and we get some popcorn. We eat it while still walking around and we play a couple more games and now I have 4 stuffed animals. Ace notices the sun starting to set and asks me "want to go up on the ferris wheel?"

I nod my head "yeah! I'd love to!"

We walk up to the ferris wheel and get on, it's a super pretty view of the sunset and I look at it almost the whole time we're up there and Ace watches me as I look at the ferris wheel and we get off at the end I look up at him and say "Wow, it was so beautiful up there."

He was a little side tracked by something and says "yeah you ar-"

He stops and blushes a bit "I, uh It was."

I smile and blush we go up to a cotton candy stand and he gets me some pink cotton candy and he gets some blue

we ride a couple more rides and continue talking for a bit

He checks the time and it is 8:30 and says "we should probably go get some dinner that way I can take you home at 9, I really don't want your brother to hate me."

"He won't hate you, don't worry." I giggle

As we walk back to his car I hold up all 4 stuffed animals I got, a panda, koala, dog, and cat. I say '"we should name them."

He laughs a bit "ok, like what?"

I shrug "I'm not sure, how about things from the carnaval, like the cat can be cotton and the dog can be candy."

He starts driving "kay, how about the panda?"

I think "popcorn?"

He nods his head "yeah, that's cute!"

I hold up the koala and say "ok, you get to name the koala."

He thinks "umm, how about sunset cause we went up on the ferris wheel during the sunset."

I smile "that's super cute!"

He smirks "like you."

I blush and he starts driving, he asks "what do you want?"

I ask "umm, can we have chipotle?"

He nods his head "chipotle here we come."

He starts driving to chipotle and we continue talking and laughing, and I'm actually having, like a lot of fun, he's really sweet, funny, and caring.

STOP, nope, shut up Lillian, you cannot like Ace

We get to chipotle and we order our food, he gets a burrito and I get a bow. He pays for everything, again and I say "You know I could have paid."

He shakes his head "well, I don't want you too."

He says taking our food to the table and we both start eating and we continue talking.

"Have you ever wished to be like a different person before?" I ask Ace as we eat

"yeah, sometimes I wish I could have more like, real friends and people I can be real around, Like you. I don't have to act like the 'cool boy' when I'm with you." he says with a little smile

"well, I almost wish I had more friends." I laugh a little bit

When we finish it just turns 9 o'clock and we leave to head back home, we get there and Ace hesitantly gives me a hug to which I hug back, he says "thanks for coming to this date with me."

I smile "it's nothing."

I walk up to my door and open the door. My brother opens it and he says "9:13, yeah , I like that one."

I giggle "yeah, he's kinda nice."

Brandon sees the stuffed animals and asks "well where did you guys go?"

I said "well he took me to my first ever carnaval, and we got these 4 prizes, i only won once but."

I giggle and say "this is popcorn, cause we had popcorn."

I hold up the panda then the cat and dog "these are cotton and candy cause we got cotton candy."

I hold up a koala "and this one is my favorite, sunset. Because we went on the ferris wheel during the sunset."

"that's actually like kinda cute, did he plan it?" he asks

"yup, I had no clue what we were gonna do." I walk into my room and change into a blue T shirt and matching PJ bottoms then put my glasses down

God, I can't believe we went on a date, but like we're not together, right

We're just friends, like not even friends, he just helped me out a couple times.

The thoughts swivel around in my head before I fall asleep

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