{5} Who did he pay to act like his girlfriend?

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(Lillian's POV)

I look in my bag for the apartment key and realize it's not in there. I say under my breath, "Aw, man!"

"What's wrong?" Ace asks, looking at me genuinely caring. It was kind of sweet that he cared, I guess, but, I'm not sure.

"I left my keys inside, I'm just gonna wait until my brother gets back." I start to open the car door, but Ace stops me.

"Wait, I can't let you do that. You can come over to my house, just tell your brother you're hanging out with me until he gets back." Ace says with a smile, and he starts driving out the parking lot.

"Ok." I look at my phone but realize it's dead.

"Wow, you're really unprepared." Ace laughs and hands me his phone. "You can call him on mine, don't worry."

I take his phone and smile. I put Brandons number in and call him.

"Hey Ace, anything you need?" my brother says, since he didn't know it was me on the phone, and not Ace.

"Well, it's actually Lilly, I left my key inside the apartment so Ace said I can stay at his house until you get home." I say back

"Oh is my little sis trying to go to a boys house?" my brother says, and I burn bright red. Ace laughs a bit and I quickly turn the speaker off.

"No, it's just he offered since I left my key inside." I say back in a whisper yell

"Sure, sure." my brother says and I could just hear the smug look on his face

"Ugh I hate you." I say

"Ok, thanks for telling me." he returns then I hang up and give Ace his phone back and he hands me a charger "here, you can charge your phone." He says as he starts to drive back to his house.

I put my phone on the charger and after a few minutes we get to his 'house' he literally lives in a mansion! We get out of his car and we walk to the front door of his house and open it.

there we are greeted by a girl, she looks just a few years older then Ace, like 18.

"hey Ace, and his girlfriend?" she says looking at him the at me

"Friend?." I say back questionably

Wait what are we? I mean obviously we're not together

she nods her head then asks "so, Ace, you gonna introduce me?"

"uh.. oh yeah, Lilly, this is Mary, Mary, Lilly." he says looking at me and her.

"It's Lillian actually." I say kinda shyly.

I've never seen her around school so I'm pretty sure she goes to a private school, then a girl comes up behind her and they look pretty similar.

"oh my god, does our baby bro have a girl?" she asks walking up next to Mary, I'm guessing they are sisters

"I'm just his friend." I say starting to blush, and Ace definitely feels awkward but he tries to say something

"so.. umm this is my other sister, Sarah, they are twins." I nod my head and Ace continues "and this is, Lilly."

"Lillian." I correct before looking down giggle, and all walk in, then comes another kid, he looks older than the twins, maybe like 20? still pretty similar to Ace, Sarah, and Mary so I'm guessing it's his brother

"ah, who did he pay to act like his girlfriend?" we all laugh as he walks down a spiral staircase and see me

"I'm actually just, umm, his.. friend." i say yet again

he walks forward "yeah, that makes more sense, my little bro can't get a girl to save his life, oh and I'm Matthew" he says before he ruffles Ace's hair a bit and we laugh. I really like his family.

"sorry, they all hate me." Ace whispers to me and I see a little girl running toward Ace and grabs onto his leg, she's obviously a lot younger, just about 5 i'd say, she's wearing a puffy little princess dress which makes me laugh a bit

"ACEY!!" she says excitedly, I guess she really likes Ace, he picks her up and she waves at me and says with a smile "hI!"

"oh, and this is Anne." Ace says, and her smile brightens as Ace says Anne

"hey, I'm Lillian." I giggle a bit Ace smiles

as we walk in a pizza man comes up, then Sarah pays him and takes the pizza she says "ok, I actually just got some pizza, you guys should stay and eat, I wanna know more about you" she says

she puts the 2 boxes of pizza on the table, she opens them up exposing one large cheese pizza and pepperoni pizza.

Before we all sit down I hear mary whisper to ace

"She's a lot more shy than most of the other ones." Mary whispers not so quietly

Ace pulls her away and I could just barely hear what he says "she's not like 'the other ones' she is not even relatively close, she's way more special." him saying this made me blush but I try to hide it

We all sit down and I sit next to Ace and Anne sits next to him, the rest of his siblings all find a seat and I wait last before grabbing a slice of cheese pizza.

"so, what did y'all do all day?" Mary asks

"I wo-" Ace tries to say but gets cut off by his brother "i did a ton of homework."

Ace tries to say again "well I wo-" he gets cut off yet again but this time by Sarah "I made cookies with joshy."

I'm guessing that's her boyfriend, and they had a date today. Ace says "may I finally speak now?"

ignoring Ace's question Mary says "Well, I got to do a science project with a cute boy in my class so my day was wonderful!"

I giggle a bit and Ace finally gets to say "Well I won my scrimmage today."

they roll their eyes and he says "shouldn't you guys be more happy? like cheering and stuff, right?"

I take a bite of my pizza then say "I was at the game and I didn't even cheer so."

everyone laughs and Sarah says "I like her, can we keep her?"

we laugh a bit more and Mary says "just don't scare this one away kay bro?"

Anne stands up and sits on Ace's lap she smiles and says "you guys are all so mean to him! he's really nice!"

I giggle a bit and Ace says "at least I have one fan." Anne nods her head in agreement before going back to eating her pizza.

After we finish eating me and Ace goes up to his huge room I plop down on his bed and say "oh my god! your room is like the size of my whole apartment!"

It wasn't but I like to over-exaggerating so deal with it. he smiles and sits down next to me, we talk for a about 45 minutes and he's actually really funny, and sweet and-

OH MY GOD, no no no, I do not like Ace Aaron. I do not, I do not! 

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