{38} Bestest

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I was laying in the bed on my phone, I knew Ace's Parents went to the grocery store with matthew. Sarah and Ace were on the beach and Mary was talking to her boyfriend.

"Lillian, can I come in?" I heard a 5 year old voice say, obviously Anne.

I get up and open the door for her "yup, come on." I pick her up and sit her on the bed "did you need anything?"

"Can you help me get ready for the luau? Mommy and daddy are at the gross sir ee store and you're my next favorite persons." Anne smiles

Aww I'm her next favorite persons! Or well person, but she's 5 so, it doesn't matter
"Ok, lets go to your room and find you something to wear." I take her hand and we walk to her room, she grabs her bag and opens it

I look through the clothes and pick out a colorful floral skirt along with a black tank top and black sandals "do you like this?" I ask her

She smiles and nods her head "but first, shower time." She laughs a little and goes into her bathroom. "I can do this part alone now, I'm very grown up." she says with a proud smile

"Alrighty." I wait in her room as I hear the shower run and she sings a theme song of one of the shows she watches

I play on my phone until the water stops "can you pretty please get me a towel." she asks from the bathroom

"Got it anne." I went and got anne a towel and she wraps it around herself then walks out the bathroom

"Changing time." she laughs and grabs her clothes, she puts the clothes on and looks in her mirror and nods her head "can you please do my hair?" she asks me sitting on her bed next to me

"I think I can do that." I smile and grab a brush, I brush it out and then put it into a french braid "do you like that?" I ask her

She gets up and goes back to her mirror "I like it." she smiles

"Glad I could help! I guess I should get ready too." I stand up walking out her room

Anne gives me a hug as I walk out "you're the bestest."

I giggle "you too Anne."

I walk into me and Ace's room and grab some clothes before going in the shower, I wash off my body then change into the clothes, I put on some floral shorts and a black smocked off the shoulder tank top, I walk out and realize me and anne are kinda matching

"Oooh Lillian! We're matching!" she smiles and laughs

"Yeah!" I laugh a little too

I go up to the mirror and put my hair in a french braid "now we're matching." I pick her up and put her on my hip as I walk downstairs, Ace sees us

"I'm guessing Lilly helped get you ready huh?"

"Mhm! look at how beautiful we are!" Anne exclaims

Ace laughs and takes Anne from me "yes you are. He kisses her forehead then kisses me

"Kay I've gotta get ready you too." he says

"Oh and did you know Anne thinks I'm the bestest?" I say with a cocky smile

"I thought I was the bestest." he says turning to Anne with a pout

Anne shrugs "you're both the bestest." she smiles

Then I heard Mr. Aaron come behind us and said "I thought I was the bestest."

"You're all the bestest." she giggles


Me and Anne watched TV as everyone else got ready, Ace comes down wearing a floral button up shirt, a couple of buttons weren't done and he also had black shorts

"How dare you copy us." i laugh and turn over to him

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