{3} I'm totally fine with that

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(Lillian's POV)

I get up the next morning and get a call from Jenny, instead of my alarm clock, to annoy me to wake up.

I reach for my glasses before I pick it up.

"Yes Jenny?" I say grumpily, as I could have slept in for at least 15 more minutes.

"You and Ace got ice cream yesterday!" Jenny screams on the other line.

"Jenny, first of all I just woke up so no screaming please. Second of all, it was me, my brother, and a couple of the football players. Third of all, I didn't even want to go. Oh, and, how did you even know?" I say as I get up.

"Fine, let's just say me and Chris have been talking a little bit, and he told me you and him sat together." she says.

"He sat next to me, I didn't want him too," I mumbled this part "and then Lexi kicked me out anyway."

"Wow, the nerve of that girl."

"Yeah I know."

"Oh, Chris just texted me, I need to go!" she says before we ended the call.

I decide to wear a gray sweater that says 'Need a 6 Month Vacation Twice a Year' (which isn't from a book, but it is definitely true). I match it with black jeans, I take a shower then put it on, I put my hair in two french braids and go into the kitchen. I see Nicole heading out the door.

"Bye Nicole!" I say with a smile and a wave.

"Bye Lils." she stops to give me a kiss on the forehead. Nicole is like my sister, except like, she dates my brother so that would be weird.

Nevermind don't think that much about it.

I grab a bowl of cereal and eat it before I walk to school and go forth, to another bad day.


I was in my room, reading a good book when I heard knocks on the door and opened it to find Ace and Chris. Since they are the two captains on the team they come over the most.

Lucky me. Please note the sarcasm

"Hey, your brother needed us to come over for some football stuff." Chris says

"Ok, one sec." I turn around and call out, "Hey! Brandon! Chris and Ace are here!"

After about 10 seconds, he comes out and he starts showing them some plays or something.

After a couple hours, I come back to see that only Ace is left, Brandon then tells me "Nicole is out of gas, and needs me to pick her up, could you and Ace go get a few groceries?" he asks.

"I'm totally fine with that." Ace says with a smirk.

Of course he is.

"Ok, fine." I say and we walk to Ace's car

We get in the car and start to drive to Target, and he says "Oh, can I get a toy?"

I roll my eyes. "Why?"

He shrugs "I'm not sure, for fun?"

I sigh. "Fine, whatever."

After a couple minutes we get to Target and we climb out of his car.

I get a cart and walk around the store.

Ace gets this nerf gun. I say, "Ace, you were serious about the toy?"

He nods his head while putting it in the cart. "Deadly."

I smirk a bit and we go over and grab some fruit punch, eggs, and strawberries. I go to grab a watermelon, but ultimately fail and ask Ace, "Can you give me a hand?"

He walks over and easily lifts it into the cart. I say, "How can you do that so effortlessly?"

He smirks. "I'm strong."

I roll my eyes. "Ok, fine, you're kinda strong."

As we walked the cart back to check everything out, me and Ace were talking. He asked me what my favorite fruit was, and I tapped the watermelon. "Definitely watermelon."

He nods his head "Cool."

We get to the check out line and put the stuff on the conveyor belt. The cashier asks, "Aww, are you two together?"

I quickly shake my head no and say "No, uh, this is my-"

I pause for a second accidently giving Ace a chance to say something.

He quickly puts in "Boyfriend."

I corrected him. "Friend."

He rolls his eyes. "Soon to be."

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