{27} Toast

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(Lillian's POV)


This weekend is Brandon's and Nicole's wedding, they've been together for so long now! Like 7 years, they dated for 6 years and been fiance's for a year! But in 4 days they'll be MARRIED! And married means babies, and babies means, I GET TO BE AN AUNT!

Ok, am I a little too excited about them getting married?

Oh, I should ask Ace if he'll come with me! I take out my phone and text Ace


Hey ace can we meet at the coffee shop downtown

I have something I wanna ask you

And I want some coffee


Always an alternative motive with you

But sure


Thanks cya in like 15 minutes


Got it!

I put my phone away and grab my shoes, I put them on and walk out the apartment

I go down and to the coffee shop, I order a caramel coffee and sit in one of the window seats while i wait for Ace, when I see him I smile at him and he comes over

"So, as you know cause I've told you a billion times, my brother's getting married, I wanted you to be my date!" I say with a smile

"I would love to be your date!" he tells me smiling and putting his arm around my shoulder "so when is it?"

"5:00, on saturday, and I'll just send you the address" I tell him after taking a sip of my coffee

"Great! I can't wait!" Ace says with a smile


"Ahhh! I'm so nervous!" Nicole says as she stepped out her dressing room with her beautiful wedding dress on, it was white with a sweetheart neckline with a pretty ruffle skirt part, Nicole looked really amazing in it.

"Oh, Nicole, don't be! You look stunning!" I tell her with a smile, Nicole didn't have any sisters so she let me be the maid of honor, so I'm really happy about that.

I had a lavender dress on, it was pretty simple but I liked it since Nicole picked it out, lavender is Nicole's favorite color.

I also had makeup on, but i figured I had to since it's like a super fancy event so I accepted it

Then we all had to walk down the aisle, first was my brother's best man, which was one of his closest friends, then was all the other groomsmen, next was the bridesmaids, they all walked down with their dates. Then my turn, since I was the maid of honor.

Ace walked me down and then went to his seat while I stood on the stage with only one spot between me and my brother.

And second to last, the flower girl, which was Nicole's cousin, and the ring barriers which were one of Nicole and Brandons friends.

Finally, the bride, her dad was next to her walking her down, she got to the spot right between me and brandon.

They did the whole vows thing and the do you take Nicole Fraysir to be your yada yada yada you get the idea

Now was the super sweet part

"I do." Nicole said looking straight at brandon and they kiss

Awwww sweet right!

After that we all danced, they had their first dance, and I GOT TO MAKE A TOAST!!!!!!

"Ok, we have one more thing, Lillian, could you come up here?" brandon said

"Yup!" I walk up, I've been practicing for a while so I hope it's good "well, you see, I know brandon like the back of my hand, like literally he basically raised me, and I didn't turn out that bad, right? But, more importantly, he stepped up when my world turned upside down, because that's what my brother does, he steps up, he's the most caring guy ever! And he stepped up again when he knew Nicole was the one for him, so I'm so happy to toast to my brother!" I smile looking back at them, Nicole also asked me to right a speech for her, yeah I know, I'm kinda famous

"And, Nicole, wow, how do I even start, well, actually I do, why did you want me to write a speech? I mean I'm basically awful at the whole telling people that they are the best, unlike her of course, she was so sweet when I met her 7 years ago, I was 9, and i still remember it, I looked up to her so much, and, well, I still do, she is beautiful, and kind, and funny, and I still think she could do better than my brother, but I guess it's a bit too late for that." I giggle a little "but I am truly really happy to have her, we all are lucky to have Nicole, so let's toast to Nicole!"

They both walk up to me and hug me "aww Lillian! Thanks so much!"

"You two are worth it!" 

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