{24} Gifts

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(Lillian's POV)

Christmas is soon, and I need to buy presents, one for, Brandon, Nicole, Jenny, Chris, Ace, oh! I should get something for anne too!

I go to the mall to start my journey to find the best gifts in the world, all my friends have been so sweet.

Especially Ace, I really wanna get him something special, I walk into target and go into the toys section figuring Anne would like a doll or something, I walk around finding a ever after high doll, I had seen she was watching a show called that a couple weeks ago

I grab one of them and put it in the shopping cart, next I go to Lush and bath and body works and grab a bunch of bath bombs lotions and candles for Nicole, and a couple for Jenny, I figured I could get her some clothes and bath bombs.

I go into forever 21 and get Jenny a wrap dress she sent me a picture of a couple days ago. Next, Chris, I go to the game stop since I heard that Ace and Chris were talking about a new game, renisist the third. I look for it and buy one.

Ok, now, we have Brandon, I'm gonna get him some new boots since he said he's been wanting them. I go into the store, and look around for the boots, once I find them there was only one left

I really hope it's in brandon's size

I look at the bag and they are exactly he shoe size, I grab the pair and get them

Finally, Ace, what in the world do I get Ace?

Is it bad I have no clue what to get my boyfriend that I've dated for almost 4 months?

Hmm... What about headphones? Wait, he probably has like a million pairs.

Ok.. maybe skin care? Ugh, he has perfect skin

If I was Ace, what would I want?

Oh! How about a football jersey? He probably already has some

And this is why you don't date someone who's parents can buy everything and a half.

What if I got him a dog tag with his name on it, that would be kinda cute, I go into a store and see someone who custom makes them, I ask "could you make one that says Ace?" I ask

The woman making them smiled "yes, of course, would you like anything on the back, you can write up to 25 letters, I can even make it look like your handwriting." she tells me grabbing a tag

"Ok, cool!"

She hands me a piece of paper, I think a little before deciding what to write

'Mary Christmas Ace! From Lilly'

Exactly 25, perfect

"Perfect, it should take just about an hour, how about you come back then?" she says

"Ok, will do, thanks!"

I walk out the store, I'm so happy I thought of something to get Ace, now I just hope he likes it.

I grab some lunch as I waited for the hour to pass by, when it was 3:00 I walked back to the store and went up to the same lady as before

"Ah, hello again, I've finished, here." she smiles handing it to me

"Wow, it's really nice!" I say with a smile, she really did make it look like my handwriting, and it said Ace on the front

"Would you also like a gift box to put it in?" she asks

"Sure." I say, and the lady hands me a box, I put the tag and chain inside then close the box

I go back home after I get all the presents, I grab some wrapping paper and wrap them up for christmas in 2 days

I'm aware I should have gotten them sooner, but ha, I still did it

I put the now wrapped gifts in my closet and I see that I got a text from Ace


Hey lilly

I have a surprise tomorrow so clear your calendar


What if I had something planned


Then cancel




Cause I want to take you out



I guess I we could go out


Great I'll pick you up at 10, A.M



That early




I have something great planned



Your lucky I'm in a good mood

And your a pretty good boyfriend


Yeah I know

He's so annoying right!

Meh, he's also cute sometimes, and sweet

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