{37} Banana french toast

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I wake up from a bunch of kisses "Ace!" I grumble tiredly

"Come on, we have to get up early, that's the best time to surf." he says giving me one last kiss

"But I don't wanna!" I pout like a 4 year old

"Come on babe, I made pancakes." he says with a smile

I slowly sit up "ugh fine, you've convinced me." I say getting out of bed, I go into the bathroom "I'm gonna change first." I tell him

I change into a red swimsuit I brought and put my hair into a ponytail

I come back out and walk downstairs, and I smelt the amazing smell of chocolate chip pancakes

Ace hands me a plate "eat up, then it's surfing time." I sit down at the island and start eating, I see Matthew was watching TV so I guess he's been up too.

After I finished eating I looked towards Ace, he had 2 surfboards in his hands and he said "hey, you can use my older one, it's smaller so you should be able to use it." Ace hands it to me

We walk onto the beach, oh did I mention, the backyard is literally the beach!

We walk up to the shore and Ace tells me to lay the board on the sand then stand on it, I do it then say "how is this teaching me how to surf?" I look at him

"Balance." he simply replied

"I think I know how to stand up Ace." I say with a light laugh

"Ok ok fine, then lay the board in the water and get on it, just lay on it at first." he says and lays in board in the water then gets on it, looks easy enough

I lay in down in the water, but when i get on the board flits on top of me and I fall in the water

I heard Ace laugh a little then help me up "ok, I'll hold your board, now try getting on."

He holds it stable, then I lay on it, Ace smiles "good job babe! You did it!" he congratulated me

"Ok so, your next step is to get onto your knees like this." he gets on his board with his knees up

I slide my legs around the board and move onto my knees "YES I DID IT!" Ace laughs

"Ok now try to get on your feet, this is the hardest part."

I try

Then fall

I try

And fall

I try once more

Ooh guess what I did next?

I fell

This continued for a good 45 minutes

"Ugh Ace this is impossible!" I say laying on the board

"Come on babe, 2 more tries, then, we can go inside." he says

I get back on holding Aces hand, I fall again falling on top of him and we both start laughing

"Wow your really bad at this." he says picking me up in the water

"Well you're mean." I kiss his cheek

I tried one last time and actually stood on it! I looked at Ace, both my arms were out trying to balance myself "ace! I'm standing on a surfboard!" I squealed

"Great job Lilly! Now sit back down on it." Ace tells me, I sit down and Ace pulls me a bit deeper into the water, I see a wave coming

"Try to ride the wave, but stay on your knees." he instructs to me

"Ok." I wait for the wave and I stay balanced as the wave takes me

"Wow lilly you're doing great!" Ace tells me, and I smile

I keep riding waves on my knees and I try to move onto my feet but I fall "it's alright babe try again." Ace smiles and helps me back on the board and I try again

Then fall

"It's ok, you've got this lilly."

You see how sweet and encouraging he is! I try again but fall "ugh I give up!" I say sitting on the board

"Ok fine." Ace jumps on his board and starts to surf

I cheered him on as I sat on the bench "go Ace!" I clap my hands and laugh at him

After he rides like 4 waves he gets off and comes back to me "how'd I do?" he asks with a smile

"Hmm, I guess you didn't do awful." I giggle and walk back to the sand with a surfboard

We lay the surf boards down then put towels on top of them, I sit on the board and turn to Ace "so how did you learn to surf?" I ask him with a hand over my forehead since the sun was in my eyes

"Well when I was 13 an we came to hawaii I met some surfers and they taught me, they were like 15 I think." he says

"Thats cool." I laugh a little and lay my head on his shoulder "thanks for inviting me, I'm already having such a great time." I tell him

"Just wait for tonight, we're gonna go to a luau." ace tells me "I guess let's head inside, my dad makes the best banana french toast for brun-"

"BANANA FRENCH TOAST!" I say "what is banana french toast?"
"It's amazing, you're gonna love it." he kisses my cheek and gets up and grabs our stuff

I walk in and see Mr. Aaron making some french toast "hey Ace can you make some eggs." he asks

"Sure pops." he grabs some eggs and starts making eggs

Mrs. Aaron walks down and says "k, so after brunch we can head to the beach, but we're gonna need to get ready for a luau tonight."

"Alright." Ace answers as he scrabbles a egg

Matthew turns to Ace "can I have a sunny side up?""You want a special order, you make it yourself." Ace says with a laugh 

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