(This one was suggested by bricurtis, thanks so much!!)
Hungary: I AM SO BOOTYFUL!!!
Austria: GURL YES U IS!!!
Hungary: Let's get MARRIED!!!!
Austria and Hungary: *ride of into the sunset on a magical unicorn Italy*
Prussia: Hey there baby, I think you may be awesome-er than me. Kesesesese~
Tomato: *not moving*
Romano: TOMATO!! HOW DARE YOU CHEET ON ME!!! I THOUGHT U LURVED MEH!! *jumps off the Empire State building*
Italy: *making out with Germany in the corner*
Japan: *twerking*
China: *twerks with Japan* Westerners can't twerk like us!!!
Russia: *still being chased by vodka* I PROMISED I WOULD DRINK NO MORE!!!
Vodka: Russiaaaaa~
Neko: *walks into room* What the hell is- Ohhhh Yaoi!! *takes pictures*