A thing.....And stuff.....

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(A/N) So my parents don't want me to watch South Park till I am 16. But I watched the 1st episode anyways, and listened to the these song. So, I wrote down the lyrics to the song and drew a picture of Kenny on my notebook. My dad saw and asked me about it. NOT A GOOD IDEA!!! I lost my phone so this is coming all the way from my IPad. ^-^ Anyway, I decided to let my mind run free and tell you a tale (where justice does not prevail, any of you get at reference? ILY)

Neko: Once upon a time, there was a ostrich named Austria, why he was named Austria I can't say. Austria loves crackers. So one day, he went out to his local State Farm to buy his crackers. But, when he got there, he found only a rainbow. Poland came down on it, and gave him his Crackers. Austria didn't pay it much mind, and left. On his way home, he slipped on a whale and died. THE END

(Wasn't it good? XD I should publish that shiz)

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