Chapter 1

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10 years ago

"Watch this, honey." My dad whispered, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the living room. I looked around, confused.

I was 5, I didn't understand.

"Why is Mazzy sleeping, daddy?" I asked, pointing at my older sister who was lying in a pool of her own blood.

But then I didn't understand. Sleeping. I thought she had been sleeping, it hadn't even hit me that the glistening, crimson puddle she was 'sleeping' in was blood, nor had I realized she was dead. I was young and naive, I still believed the world was a beautiful, kind place where everyone was full of love and happiness. I still believed life was easy. I still trusted my parents with all of heart and wouldnt dare to believe otherwise. At that moment, if God descended from earth and told me to run but my father told me to stay-I would stay with my dad with no hesitation.

"Oh she isn't sleeping, darling. Sit down, I want to show you something." My father patted the kitchen chair he had moved into the center of the living room, "Whatever you do, don't look away, sweetie. And don't be scared. Now give me your wrists." He grabbed my wrist and tied them behind the chair with some rope. He smiled and put his hands on his hips, clearly proud of himself, "You're doing great, my love. I'm so proud of you."

I beamed, "Thanks Daddy! Can we play Candy Land?"

He chuckled, bending down and tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "Of course we can play Candy Land, baby. Right after I show you something."

I nodded, barely able to contain my excitement. Candyland! I loved Candyland! Sometimes I used to dream of being the ice cream princess, she was my favorite, "If you or mommy gets the card with the icecream princess, can I have it? Also can I be the blue gingerbread man! Also can you get me some oreos, daddy, I'm hungry."

"Of course, darling, just give me a moment and then we can play Candy Land all night long."

I nodded ecstatically. This was going to be so fun! If only Mazzy would wake up, then we could all play Candy Land! But then she wouldn't let me have the Blue Gingerbread man, because she always got to be that and never let me have a turn. So she can be sleeping just this once, I thought.

My dad yanked my mother in front of my, holding her by her hair. My mom was crying and screaming and thrashing in my dads arms, "Daddy, why are you hurting Mommy? I'm scared, Daddy." I whimpered.

My Dad chuckled, "Just watch, Darling."

My father pulled out a gun. I heard my mom shriek. I watched him press it against my moms head as he pulled the trigger.

"MOMMY!" I screamed as I started to cry as I watched her body fall limp, "Daddy! Why did you do that to Mommy? Was Mommy bad?" I shrieked, thrashing in my chair as waves of panic washed over me.

I sniffled as he got closer to me, holding the cold gun to my temple, "I love you, darling." He whispered, as he turned the gun towards himself and I heard a loud crack split through the air as my fathers limp body fell onto my legs.

I screamed and thrashed, tears streaming down my face as a man burst through my door.

"James, where are you?" He said slowly, cautiously holding up what looked like one of my pretend wands. "Hello, little one." He said when he saw me, "You aren't Harry Potter, are you?" He chuckled, crouching in front of me.

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