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I feel like a rock, my hands and feet are as cold as ice. I don't even want to look down for a second where Erin and Orthyl jumped off. They're both crazy for leaving me here!

I could hear the groans of the hollows beneath me, their gnashing teeth, and the sound of every blow from Erin and Orthyl's swords.

Dawn is coming. I could see the sun rising. I could see the three moons beginning to be conquered by the greater light of the sun, as they become dull and small.

How long am I in this position that my body feels so numb?

Suddenly, I heard hoarse voices shouting, and they're coming closer.

"Another one!! Up there!!"

"I could smell her blood!! Sssweet smell!!

"Don't touch her!! She's mine!! Mine!!!!"

I could see them clearer at the fullness of the morning light. They're more horrible than Austus. They have many arms and feet, long and thick like roots, their skin are dry and they smell like rot.

Their tongues roll over the trunk, tracing the scent from there towards me.

They're eyes stared at me intensely as they climb upward. Three of them struggled, banging up and knocking off each other, fighting over me.

They shook the trunk with their strength. Branches and leaves fell on the ground.

I tightly held my position. But, one of them jumped so high and was able to reach to my spot. The other two followed, bumping each other on their way. I screamed in terror of seeing their hungry mouths.


I was hoping that one of Erin and Orthyl could hear me. It'll be only seconds for these cursed hollows to crush me.

I don't know what to do. When they advanced and tried to gobble me. I felt the rush to jump off, so I fell down hitting and breaking some thin branches, until I was able to grab on a thick one.

My terrible pursuers caught a glimpse to where I fell and they rampaged towards me using their hind legs and arms. I scream and scream like there'll be no tomorrow or even later for me.

Then, I felt a rushing wind. It goes towards the three and sliced them before they could go towards me. I could only lift my head to see what's happening to my pursuers. They made a short shrill cry of pain, their eyes are wide in despair.

Their blood scattered like rain in the air, their heads rolled down, together with their headless bodies. They're all done.

An arm grabbed me, and to my surprise, I felt a solid ground on my soiled, bare feet. It happened too fast that I didn't able to say something, instead, I'm trying to calm the rapid heartbeat in my chest.

I could see the ground full of bloody hollows. I never thought that they could defeat them all.

"You almost killed me!" Erin said, breathing heavily. I jolted at his barking voice.

"I don't care if you want to suicide, but since my life is also at stake, mind your actions!"

He's reprimanding me like my dad, but he's concerned only about himself. The blood-stained sword from his hand was suddenly blown by the wind and disappeared.

Orthyl walks toward us. His right shoulder is bleeding.

"What happened?!" Erin asked. He walks closer to look at his wound.
"Don't worry... Just a scratch." he replied.

ONE DROP OF BLOOD (ongoing) Where stories live. Discover now