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They were asked to come together in one place where every members of the secret alliance is being trained to make their power stronger and enhance their combat skills. It's a field inside the lodging area.

Allison finally sees many Other-kinds that really looks like humans too. She felt comfortable for a moment because of the familiar atmosphere their appearances give her.

'I'm safe' is what her mind says. But whenever she sees some of them use their powers, such as when they try to make their food float in the air and eat it there without using their hands or any utensils, or when they toast the meat by using their hand with fire like what Benhar is doing, and when they cut meats in pieces just by using an air-knife as Erin does it infront of her, she's being reminded about the differences of humans to these hollows.

"The food is served!" said one of the hollows that sat with Erin, Allison and Orthyl, but is sitting in different table near them.

They're all looking at Allison like every other hollows there, while talking. She's already wearing the clothes they gave her, the same with the two guys with her.

'I'm not wearing pajamas anymore, why do they stare at me like I'm so strange?' she thought to herself.

"Hey, you okay?" asked Orthyl beside her. She looks at the food that is served before her, then, she looks back at Orthyl and said, "Hm, yeah.. I'm just not used to be stared by many."

She honestly told him that. She's also thinking that she doesn't fit there since all hollows there around her are all tall and wonderful. She's feeling some inferiorities, and maybe some insecurities too.

"It's actually not just you.. but the three of us." Erin whispered, but they both didn't heard it.

Orthyl looked at them and noticed what Allison just said. "Oh." Orthyl let out a small chuckle. "Don't bother. Maybe because we're new here.

They're all members of the Union, and it was shortened from United Legion of Hollows. Hmm, I don't know anything actually. Thitus didn't told me anything about this group he built yet." he said, then, ate the sliced meat infront of him.

"A group? It sounds like an NLA."

"What's that?"

"National Liberation Army.. Well, it's a term used in the Human World. They are a group of people who struggle to achieve the task of destroying and dismantling the rule of the government and taking their position instead.. uh.. rebels in short."

"Wow.. Human rebellion huh?.. Then, yes.. This Union is like that NLA you're telling me--"

"What?!!" Allison asked in high pitched voice. She knows how evil the terrorists are.

"So, you mean these hollows around us are all rebels?!! Terrorists?! And now we are too?!!" her voice raised so high that everyone is looking at her.

"Shh! Calm down, Allison." Orthyl whispered.

Erin looks at Allison with disbelief. He shakes his head and just continues to eat.

"S-sorry.." she said while looking those that are staring at her. Then, all them went back to eating and talking to their friends.

She ducked her head a little towards Orthyl and said, "NLA is a terrorist group that kills people! Innocent people!" she grunts in whisper, emphazing every word. "How can you say that this Union is the same as them?!"

Orthyl furrowed and said, "Uh, I don't know that those rebels in your world is doing those things but--.."

A voice suddenly interrupts them. "We don't kill the innocent. We just want liberation.."

ONE DROP OF BLOOD (ongoing) Where stories live. Discover now