jump hawks' bones right fucking now

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"Get your fucking hands off of me," I snapped.

"No, you dumb bitch," Bakugo slapped my hand away, staring at my neck. "Thank fuck you're not marked," he blew out a breath before leaning back.

"That's your concern?"

He didn't answer, averting his eyes before changing the subject.

"Who did you go to last night?"

"I told you already-"

"You didn't fucking tell me shit," his tone was something I hadn't heard from him in all the years I knew him.

"Katsuki," I warned.

"Okay, Falcons," he nodded, inhaling. "Let's go."

"You're hiding something from me," I placed a hand on his shoulder when he turned away.

"I answered you just like you answered me, didn't I? Unless you're hiding something too?" His eyes now met mine, sharp even though they weren't narrowed.


"But you're not, right? You just went and found a little kid last night who needed help, right? That's all?"

"Yeah," I lied.

"Alright then, there's nothing else to it."

It was strange seeing a softened Bakugo, something that was so rare I couldn't remember when it had occurred last. I only knew this was his softened self from knowing him for so long, not much of a difference seen by the others.

"Let's get to the photoshoot then," he gestured for Kaminari to start the car and we stepped out.

Opening the door for me, he got in beside me in the backseat as Kaminari pulled us out.

"Alright, so I'm just getting a cover done, did you see Deku's? His came out this morning, that fucking piece of shit," he tossed me a copy of the magazine.

"Alright, so I'm just getting a cover done, did you see Deku's? His came out this morning, that fucking piece of shit," he tossed me a copy of the magazine

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Though I was less stuck on the over, thinking of the endless calls Deku had made to me last night, each of them going missed. When I did manage to call him back, he didn't answer. When I glanced at Bakugo, he already was staring at me, almost like he was waiting for a reaction.

"The cover's hot, what else would we expect from his fine ass?" I laughed, sliding the magazine onto the seat.

Bakugo didn't say anything, looking away when I didn't say anything else about Deku.

"Heard Dabi is getting his cover done today too," Kaminari laughed, parking.

Though what was strange was Bakugo's reaction.

"Where'd you hear that? Didn't you fucking think to say something before we left? We are not fucking going inside, you couldn't have even had the fucking m-"

"Katsuki, enough," I eyed him, my brows furrowed. "Don't get so hostile with him, what's wrong with Dabi being here?"

"Dabi isn't the fucking one," he paused, going silent.

Love Bird's Bite // Keigo TakamiWhere stories live. Discover now