stick my face into everyone's ass

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"You think I give a shit?" He scoffed.

I didn't care to take a better look at his wings that were drawn in to stay close by his sides, losing the ability to care for the damage that might have been done to them.

"Want to test that right now? Want to see who will push the other over the fucking edge first?"

"First? I'm not getting involved with anything even related to you, get your shit together."

"You'll have your hands on me in the next minute," I told him.

It took a moment of confusion for him to register my words, flaring his nose but before he could say anything, I acted out. Tilting Shindo's neck to the side at an angle, I parted my lips, bringing my mouth close to his skin.

And that was all it took for Hawks to snap.

"Falcons, don't you fucking dare to even-"

I stared up at his face, inches away from mine, watching him fall silent and even through my absolute blinding anger, I felt confusion, just like all the times before.

"Your hands aren't the only thing on me, so is your entire body," I flashed him a smile.

His hands pushed me back with a sudden shove, my form not stepping back.

"What's the matter?" I grabbed his collar to pull his body back onto mine as we stood together. "Can't take the heat of my skin?"

"Falcons, I fucking told you to-"

"Make me then. You clearly can't do shit yourself, I wonder how far I would have to go to really have you crack before my eyes."

I locked my leg around his back, leaning back until my back was on the bar counter, his body fitting to mine and I raised a brow.

"You won't do jack fucking shit-"

I moaned.

Eyes half shut and lazily looking at him, I tilted my head.

"Still think I won't?"

I laughed breathlessly, tipping my head back. Even with my haze of emotions, I did not expect his act, my breath being slammed out of my lungs.

His hand came around my neck, steady fingers spreading into my hair to bring my face closer to his. His palm was warm against the skin of my neck, our eyes meeting before something else of ours met next.

He fucking kissed me.

His lips were hot, my own burning back against his as the suppressants went to shit, my alpha eager to take things further and I let them for now. I was quick to push my tongue into his mouth, my piercing clinking against his teeth. Placing my hand over his on me, I felt the way his body knocked into mine suddenly, hitting the counter of the bar again. Our bodies colliding caused our lips to pop off from one another's with an audible sound. I watched him breathe heavily onto my lips, my eyes catching the glint of the ring on my finger and I laughed, forcing my senses together again.

"Guess not very fucking far that I had to go, huh?"

My hand fell from his to force out the heat that was in my body, making myself feel cold just from the sight of him. Throwing his hand off of my skin cruelly like it was a piece of fucking shit on me, it seemed to dawn to him what he had done because all he did was stare at me.

"Oh, fuck no."

He cursed under his breath, his eyes hardening. Bringing my knee up to knock him back off of me, I broke the mold of our bodies that we had created, ignoring the way my alpha nearly took out all my senses.

Love Bird's Bite // Keigo TakamiWhere stories live. Discover now