sex is just a physical fucking act

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I didn't know where I was.

Wandering around on the streets had lead me wherever the fuck I was now. My senses had been wiped out by my alpha, followed by them deciding to hide themselves in as well for the time being.

"Fuck," I looked down at the rock I had stumbled over, blinking.

Right, didn't I have something to actually do?

While I was looking down at my feet, I caught sight of the feather that was still intact in my arm.


Pulling out my phone, I made a call.

"So tonight is the night?"

"I told you within a week," I replied.

"I'll have the alpha suppressants and fire ready then."

"Thanks, Izuku."

"I'll be waiting for you."

"Go ahead," I gazed at the feather that was the same color as the stains of my blood, unable to tell where my blood was on it. "I'll be bringing something back with me to burn."


Cutting the call, I broke my eyes from the bloody feather that was stabbed into my arm. I could feel the ties around my silent alpha loosening, ready to send me into hysterics, but it never came. Arriving at the door, I knocked.

"You're here- oh. For fuck's sake, Falcons," Deku pulled me inside in an instant. "Didn't I fucking tell you? Why would you do this?"

"Why would he do this?" I asked with a soft voice.

"Falcons," Deku stared at me. "Go ahead and break."

"The fucking audacity of him," I screamed, my throat beginning to ache. "He has some damn nerve. To show up and then tell me to stay the fuck away from him? As if he wasn't the one that fucking came to me."

Even though I was sobbing, I was so focused on screaming that tears were all that showed.

"You know, the feather didn't even hurt as bad as everything altogether. Opposing mafias, that's what he had to fucking say to me," I took a vase and threw it against a wall to smash it. "Where was his concern for opposing mafias when he fucking slept with me? Twice, even, not just one night. Even better, we never fucked, literally just slept together. Forget about fucking, we never even kissed on our lips. It would have been so much easier had we just had sex and been done."

"Do you think you both would have stopped even after a one night stand?"

Well, fuck. He had a point there.

"We still would have had the same outcome as now, wouldn't we have? It would have been easier because sex is just a physical fucking act. There wouldn't have been this fucking agony for my alpha. He really has some guts, with my fucking bullet around his neck. I wonder if it's still there, against the same chest and neck that's covered with the marks of my mouth. I should have ripped it right fucking off. He doesn't deserve to wear a piece of me on his body anymore."

"Falcons, you've never been a mess before. Why is this getting to you so much then?"

"I don't fucking know, that's the thing, it's not like I even marked him or-"

I fell quiet at the sudden memory of his last words.

"What? Falcons?"

"He said we weren't mates."

The words physically brought me to my knees, falling onto the floor.

"Falcons! Hey, stay with me," Deku was yelling at me but I couldn't hear anymore.

Love Bird's Bite // Keigo TakamiWhere stories live. Discover now